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Vinokourov snatches gold from Valverde at Vuelta a Espana

That crazy Kazakh Alexandre Vinokourov rode into the leader's gold jersey at the Vuelta bike race on Wednesday as American Tom Danielson won the 102-mile stage.

Vinokourov attacked race leader Alejandro Valverde on the climb up Alto de Monachil. The Spanish rider finally caught up to Vinokourov on the descent, but Vino accelerated again.

While Valverde couldn't keep up, Vinokourov rode ahead …

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New York City announces extensive bicycle network

The Big Apple has announced big plans for a bicycle network that encompasses the addition of 200 miles of new on-street bicycle lanes, routes and pathways in the next three years.

The idea is to improve the health and safety of New Yorkers. The announcement, made by the city's directors of transportation, health, parks and police, cites the deaths of 225 cyclists on city streets in the past decade, as well as chronic health problems of the city's denizens. …

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5 Boroughs

By cosimoilvecchio at

Cyclists riding in 2006 5 Boro Bike Tour last May.

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Last week of Vuelta a Espana bike race

While the big headlines in bicycle racing lately all have dealt with doping, a group of cyclists are beginning the third and final week of the Spanish soap opera entitled the Vuelta a Espana.

The overall leader of the race is Spanish cyclist Alejandro Valverde. We last heard from him when he clipped the back wheel of a teammate in the Tour de France, broke his collarbone and dropped out. …

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Former cyclist and OLN commentator Frankie Andreu admits to doping

Former US Postal Service cyclist Frankie Andreu tells the New York Times in Tuesday's editions that he took the blood-boosting drug EPO in 1999.

You know Andreu. He's the former American cyclist and current OLN commentator who interviews racers before and after stages of the Tour de France. He and his wife, Betsy, testified earlier this year that they overheard former teammate Lance Armstrong tell his cancer doctors in 1996 that he used EPO and other performance-enhancing drugs. Armstrong has vociferously denied that charge. …

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Frankie Andreu

Former US Postal Service team cyclist and OLN cycling commentator Frankie Andreu admitted to the New York Times that he took blood booster EPO.

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New Burley owner puts focus back on bike trailers

It's a smaller company that Burley Design workers returned to Monday morning after the Eugene, Oregon-based trailer and bike maker was purchased by a local businessman last week.

One of the first moves was to lay off all 104 employees Friday; 65 return to work Monday morning and the other positions were eliminated. …

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UK motorists give less space to helmeted bicyclists

At least in the UK, motorists pass more closely to bicycle riders who wear helmets than they do cyclists who ride without a helmet.

The study by traffic psychologist Ian Walker at the University of Bath found that the average motorist gets 3 inches closer to helmeted cyclists when passing; motorists also pass male cyclists closer than female cyclists. …

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Anti-doping agency to begin Floyd Landis review

Floyd Landis will launch his defense against doping charges next week when his attorney submits materials to a US Anti-Doping Agency review board that there's insufficient evidence to proceed against this year's Tour de France winner.

In a press release posted at, attorney Howard Jacobs says he and a team of scientific experts found “inconsistencies in the testing protocol and methodology” after reviewing 370 pages of documents provided by the French lab. …

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Greg LeMond to show up for Dam2Dam bike ride

See Greg ride. America's first Tour de France winner Greg LeMond is cycling in this year's Dam2Dam Thumbs Up! Bike Tour, scheduled to begin Sept. 30 in Wenatchee, Washington.

The bicycle tour, featuring 25-, 50-, or 100-mile routes follows the Columbia River between Rocky Reach Dam and Wells Dam to the north. …

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