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Bicyclists in the U.S. loathe some rural bike routes because of the danger posed by being chased by loose dogs. In Australia, it's swooping birds that can frighten and endanger bicycle riders.
The problem is so great in some areas that signs are posted warning of swooping birds. Cyclists are encouraged to avoid those areas or risk being buzzed, scratched or pecked.
If cyclists must pass through native bird nesting areas …
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What's with those eyes staring from this kid's helmet? Their meant to scare off swooping birds, a real menace in parts of Australia where ground-nesting birds swoop at unsuspecting cyclists to protect their nests. Australia Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Can you imagine two heart attacks and 25 injuries requiring attention from ambulance staffs during a single bicycling event?
Organizers of the Around the Bay in a Day bicycle ride in Melbourne, Australia, say that's not unexpected, considering they put 14,000 cyclists on the road for rides ranging from 26 to 155 miles. The bike ride …
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Bicycle touring is as easy as following a box or Rice Krispies or as difficult as getting run over, sick, robbed or thrown in prison.
Those are the yin and yang of bike touring experiences related in two newspaper articles this weekend. …
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“It is a public relations effort by Landis to get public opinion behind him. It is easy to make up a power point presentation and put what you want on it.”
That's the reaction of Pat McQuaid, head of the Union Cycliste Internationale, to a PowerPoint slideshow prepared by Floyd Landis doc Arnie Barker. The slides suggest problems with tests performed on Landis' urine samples, specimens were mishandled or mislabelled, and could have been contaminated.
McQuaid has more than a passing interest in ensuring Landis is found guilty …
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A California judge sentenced a 69-year-old man to 90 days in jail for killing a bicyclist last year when he swerved his car into a bicycle lane while he was looking for a freeway onramp.
The victim, Michelle Mazzei, 34, of Redwood City, was an elementary school teacher. News of her death — at the time the 26th in the region in five years — sparked a memorial ride by more than 100 area cyclists. …
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I'm liking bicycle trailers more and more. I lugged my kids around in a Burley d'Lite 'til they outgrew it. I sold it, then turned around a year later and bought a used Yakima single-wheel trailer for touring and errands — mainly grocery shopping.
Now I see that a bicycle trailer manufacturer is offering free plans on how to build a bamboo trailer.
UK-based Carry Freedom sells several styles of trailers — including a dog kennel trailer and a folding trailer. The owners figure that cycling makes the world a better place and trailers make it easier to carry stuff by bike. …
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Isn't this cool? A do-it-yourself bicycle trailer made from bamboo. Plans are available for free from UK-based Carry Freedom.
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US bicycle racer Floyd Landis presented his defense against doping charges on his website Thursday. He cites the French lab for analytical errors, incorrectly labeled samples, not following international standards and lack of evidence chain-of-custody.
At least that's what I read in a couple of early news stories. By the time I logged on this morning to read the case he was making, the website was swamped or had crashed. Either way, I couldn't get in.
I made it later in the morning. Try this link for the specific post — Landis case information now online (can't download docs, must be a traffic jam) or go to “It's Here” at Trust but Verify. A mirror download site also has all the documents. …
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They've stopped feuding about mandatory bicycle helmet use in Austin, at least for the time-being.
Two local hospitals in the adopted hometown of Lance Armstrong say they will conduct a year-long study of bicycle-accident head injuries beginning Nov. 1. They'll present the results to the City Council, which is considering an ordinance that would make helmet use mandatory. …
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