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Organizers present 2007 Tour de France bike race route

The route from London to Paris will be 2,201 miles long for bicycle racers in the 2007 Tour de France, scheduled for Saturday, July 7, through Sunday, July 29.

Along the way, the peloton will pass through Belgium and take a clockwise tour of France. Cyclists will climb 21 mountain passes — including three mountaintop finishes — in the Alps (first) and then the Pyrenees. In all six mountain stages are routed, one more than the usual five.

The Tour organizers have saved the best for last, well, next to last. …

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2007 tour de France bicycle race route

Organizers revealed the course of the 2007 Tour de France on Oct. 26. See Tour de France presentation website.

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Promoting this Sunday's Bicycle Bash in Tampa

Alan Snel is pedaling his butt off as a bike messenger of sorts. His message is a huge placard fastened to his bicycle that promotes Sunday's Bicycle Bash in Tampa.

Alan explains on his blog, Bike Stories, that's he's the marketing director for Carrollwood Bicycle Emporium and Oliver's Cycle Sports bike stores in Tampa. He must be the director of a staff of one, or maybe he just saves all the plum assignments for himself.

For at least a month, he's been pedaling out to bicycling and other events where people congregate around the Tampa-St. Pete area to display the “Bash Board.” That's Alan above, getting coverage from the local Fox affiliate. The sign promotes the Bicycle Bash, 1-5 p.m. Sunday in the plaza at the St. Pete Forum. The bike stores are sponsoring the event.

Alan says he bicycles anywhere from 15 to 85 miles a day …

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Alan Snel

Marketing director for two Tampa area bicycle stores averages 40 miles a day promoting the upcoming Bicycle Bash.

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Pereiro – “Oui,” Landis – “Non” at 2007 Tour de France bike race route presentation

This year's Tour de France runner-up Oscar Pereiro is expected to be the star attraction at the 2007 Tour de France route presentation on Thursday.

Beleaguered winner Floyd Landis won't be there; he's busy fighting doping charges. He wasn't invited anyway, as his team folded after tests on his urine samples showed out-of-balance levels of testosterone in his system.

It will interesting to see if Landis is even mentioned at the event …

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When late travel writer Eric Newby rode his bicycle

Popular UK travel writer Eric Newby died at age 86 last week. The British adventurer, whose travelling experiences stretched back to 1938, at times included a bicycle in his treks.

NPR reported on Eric Newby's death and replayed a portion of an 1988 interview conducted after Newby and his wife, Wanda, had spent a “blustery winter” (is there any other kind?) cycling through Ireland.

After commenting they were geriatric cyclists (he would have been in his 60s), Newby said, “It required considerable guts on Wanda's part ….

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Eric Newby book

Round Ireland in Low Gear

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Teen who killed bicyclist shares lesson about text messaging

The Periscope section in this week's Newsweek (Oct. 30) carries the story of Patrick Sims and warns about the hazards of text messaging while driving.

Sims is the Colorado teen who checked a text message on his phone, drifted into a bike lane and struck and killed 63-year-old cyclist Jim Price. He told the Denver Post:

“That day, that text message seemed important to me. Now I couldn't even tell you what it said. …

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Youngest “real” finisher at Mt. Diablo Challenge bicycle race

A few weeks ago I reported my awe in the fastest and oldest finishers of the Mt. Diablo Challenge, a bike ride in the East Bay suburbs of San Francisco that gains 3,249 feet in 10.8 miles.

I mentioned some youngsters went up on tandems and trailers, but missed the story of 6-year-old Trey Holterman, the youngest solo bicyclist ever to finish the event.

His proud dad, Gordy, told the San Mateo County Times:

“There was a ceremony afterward, and the host asked a bunch of the kids up onto the stage,” Gordy said. “Trey was the smallest kid up there, and the emcee asked him 'Did you go up the mountain on the back of your dad's bike?' Trey said, 'No, I rode myself.' The audience loved that.” …

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Cyclists riding up Mt. Diablo

Annual Mount Diablo Challenge pits bicycle riders against 10.8-mile, 3,400-foot climb. Photo by KAP Cris at

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