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Inaugural bike race in Lance Armstrong's hometown

Now that Lance Armstrong sees how painful marathons can be after Sunday's New York event, maybe he'll consider making a comeback to cycling as the first-ever UCI-licensed bicycle race in his hometown of Austin.

Dubbed the Austin International, the bicycle race next June 17 will feature a pro men’s and women’s race and will be evaluated as a potential Women’s World Cup event for 2008.

Further, the race around the Texas Hill Country has been included in the newly created USA Cycling Professional Tour. The series of 15 races (five of them stage races) in 11 states comprises 40 days of pro cycling in the US in 2007 …

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Lance Armstrong at NYC Marathon

Lance Armstrong runs with 38,000 other racers. He finished in just undder 3 hours, his goal. Picture from rob5408 at

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Lance Armstrong NYC Marathon results

Congratulations, Sergio Pinzon of New Jersey. You finished just ahead of the winningest-ever Tour de France bicycle racer in his inaugural attempt at a 26.2-mile footrace.

Lance Armstrong met his goal of achieving an under 3-hour marathon on Sunday at the ING New York City Marathon by finishing in 2 hours, 59 minutes and 36 seconds. For those who time themselves at shorter distances, that's a 6:51 per mile average.

You can chalk it up as another case of  Armstrong setting a high-end goal for himself and achieving it.

Armstrong ran with 38,000 other runners in the annual race through the streets of New York City. The 35-year-old Texan finished in 856th place (later official results placed him in 869th). He told …

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Quote: Don't be shy on bicycle tours

“Don't be afraid to ask if you can pitch your tent on someone's private land. Asking for someone's hospitality is something no person should be shy about; besides, it is a good way to meet new people.”

Canadians Benoit Cote and Genevieve Fortin giving some tips about bicycle travel. …

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Bicycling the Cedar River Trail

Before the autumn monsoon hit, I had the opportunity last week to bicycle the Cedar River Trail that runs east from Renton, Washington.

It's a level, low-traffic trail that runs for 16 miles along an old railroad line that used to carry coal out of the Cascade Mountains to consumers in the Seattle area. I always try to incorporate parts of it on any bike rides I take in that area.

Over much of its length, the trail runs within sight of the Cedar River, which rushes out of springs and lakes in the Cascades. During the fall, the river is a highway for bright red sockeye salmon …

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Bike trail through riverside forest in Washington

Packed limestone covers the Cedar River Trail as it nears the Cascade foothills in Washington. The 16-mile bicycle trail is asphalt for 11 miles.

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Wild animal warnings upstream on Cedar River Trail

The Cedar River Trail runs for 16 miles from urban Renton to rural Landsburg, hard by the Cascade Mountains. At the eastern end, Washington state wildlife officers have posted warnings to avoid bears and mountain lions.

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View from railroad bridge on Cedar River Trail

Bicycling along the Cedar River Trail provides many views of the river from old railroad bridges. In the fall, red sockeye salmon can been seen swimming upstream to spawn.

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Cedar River Trail near Maple Valley

In places the Cedar River Trail runs along Maple Valley Road, screened on the left here by vegetation. Cedar River Trail, Renton to Landsburg, Washington.

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Don't mourn the closure of this phony bicycle store

Steve's Cycling Store is closed, wiped off the Internet like road kill scraped up with a shovel.

Don't expect the online serial scammer (“Watch Out for Phony Bicycle Scams,” Oct. 31) to stay closed for long, however. It will surely reappear under a new name offering unbelieveable deals on high-end bicycles.

When you buy bicycles or equipment online, here are some suggestions on how to avoid becoming a victim: …

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