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Flyer for Cranksgiving

Flyer for New York's Cranksgiving food drive. More at New York Bike Messenger Association.

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Chinese now biking just for the heck of it

Occasionally I'll run across a story that the Chinese are giving up bicycles as a prime source of transportation in favor of cars. Bikes lanes are converted to car lanes, and health problems, like obesity, are on the rise.

Apparently there are still plenty of people riding bicycles to work, but not as many as before. Oh well, such is the price of Westernization, or modernization, or industrialization.

Now there's a new trend in China. The People's Daily reports that people are bicycling for “exercise and entertainment.” The news outlet interviewed some people who bicycled from their faraway hometowns to attend the Tour of Hainan, a six-day …

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Riding bikes in Beijing

Still a common mode of transportation in China. From JakeF1000 at

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Cycling movie coming to a theater near you

While we wait for the Lance Armstrong movie to begin shooting, the amazing story of Graeme Obree — “The Flying Scotsman” — comes to the screen.

Obree twice broke bicycling's world hour record, once in July 1993 and again in April 1994. But why do these achievements rate a movie? He battled more than wind resistance and pain to set the world records.

His success is all the more incredible because he always raced as an amateur, without major sponsorships. He also constantly tussled with authorities at the Union Cycliste Internationale who rejected his aerodynamic riding positions and equipment, once informing him of rule changes …

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Obree tuck position

Graeme Obree's “old faithful” tuck position.

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Tyler Hamilton signs with — (fill in the blank)

American cyclist Tyler Hamilton confirms that he's signed with a cycling team for 2007, but won't say who it is.

The newly minted Euro cycling team Tinkoff Credit Systems earlier had made overtures to Hamilton. CyclingNews makes the possible connection, but Eurosport flat out reports it as a done deal. …

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Bogus e-mails and public hearings; Floyd Landis case stumbles on

(Updated) The latest news of the weird concerning the doping case against American cyclist Floyd Landis is that someone has hacked into the French lab's servers and is sending bogus e-mails.

French police are investigating the virtual break-in after fake e-mails from the Chatenay-Malabry lab near Paris were sent to other anti-doping groups, such as WADA, the IOC, UCI, etc. The e-mails questioned the lab's responsibility in the Landis doping case and attached internal documents.

Although this is probably an outside job, it gives credence to the speculation that the lab isn't run as tightly as it should be. …

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Quote: Bike tour across Laos to build school

Some roads “were more like huge stretches of human-sized potholes or a collection of head-sized rocks. Sometimes I thought local transport officials built these “roads” just to play a cruel joke and fool people into believing there was actually a legitimate way to get from one place to another.”


— Patrick Cook-Deegan telling about his 2,800-miles bicycle tour across Southeast Asia this summer to raise funds for a school in Laos. …

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Patrick Cook-Deegan cycled here. See Cycle for Schools.

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Banking on bicycle tourism in Florida and Arkansas

Towns in Florida and Arkansas are looking forward to seeing tourism dollars rolling into their communities on bicycles.

The small town of Lake Helen, located southwest of Daytona Beach, hopes to become the state's biking mecca through the newly opened Florida Discovery Bicycle Center.

The center is the first in the state to combine adult bicycle touring and safety training. It's a joint effort by the Florida Bicycle Association, the town of Lake Helen, and the River of Lakes Heritage Corridor …

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