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1920 Sun Gents bicycle

Sold at auction in England. From Classic Cars Magazine.

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Floyd Landis returns to El Tour de Tucson

While doping charges cloud his future in cycling, Floyd Landis visited the El Tour de Tucson bike ride that drew 8,125 participants this year.

Landis helped start the event on Saturday, watched from a scaffold, and talked with some of his supporters. He didn't participate in the 109-mile ride itself, although he has ridden in past years and actually won the race on a tandem in 1997.

The tandem's pilot that year was Dr. Arnie Baker, Landis' personal physician, who expanded on the cyclist's doping defenses …

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How to make the best-ever bike-ride recovery drink

Here's my recipe for a post-bike ride recovery drink that I frequently quaff in the summertime. I found out recently that it's just as refreshing in the cold weather as well.

It's easy to make because there's no measuring involved. At least I don't measure. I guess it's an art, not a science.

Into a blender, drop 6-10 large frozen strawberries. Add a banana, about a cup of yogurt (I prefer vanilla), and lots of orange juice. Blend. …

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6,000-mile bike tour for cystic fibrosis

Keith Larsen and Rich Gardunia, left, are nearing the end of their cross-continental bicycle tour to raise money for cystic fibrosis, which has stricken several of Larsen's relatives.

The pair started from Dead Horse, Alaska, 250 miles north of the Arctic Circle, with a third person, Sarah Wagstaff. Their destination is Key West, Florida.

A reporter for an eastern Texas newspaper recently interviewed the two, who said their favorites states so far were Oregon for the trees and waterfalls …

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Ingredients for great tastings energy smoothie

The ingredients for the best-ever bike ride recovery drink.

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New York college issues bike path warning

The University at Buffalo is urging people not to travel alone on bicycle paths in western New York after a recent homicide was linked to the so-called “bike path rapist.”

The warning was issued after police linked the late September killing of Joan Diver, 45, to the unknown man responsible for nine sexual assaults, including two homicides, against women between 1986 and 1994. …

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Cyclist in Alaska

Rich Gardunia — one of the members of Alaska to Florida for Cystic Fibrosis — pedaling in Alaska.

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10 good and bad things about winter cycling

Lately, I've had some opportunities to ponder the pros and cons of cycling in winter weather.

1. The good — Finally get a chance to pile on all those layers of polypro, fleece, windbreaker, gloves, booties, balaclava….

2. The bad — Ten minutes down the road I'm sweating like a pig, making myself cold. …

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Cranksgiving bike races on the table

Cranksgiving is a bike race, scavenger hunt and Thanksgiving food drive all wrapped up into one.

Essentially, the cyclists get a list of 10 grocery items that must be purchased at 10 different locations. The first one back wins, and all the food is distributed to charity.

Some Cranksgiving events also have raffles, etc. There are no entry fees, but organizers say the racers should expect to pay $10 to $20 on food.

The event is held in several cities across the US. Locations and information about a few of this year's events:

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