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The Bicycle Thief

What would you do if you were out of money, you had a family to support, your job required a bicycle, and someone steals it your first day at work?

How far would you go to get it back?

That's what Vittorio de Sici sets out to answer in The Bicycle Thief, filmed in Rome in 1948.

Our “hero”, Lamberto, searches all over Rome for his bike — following leads into missions and brothels — until he puts aside his conscience …

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Bicycle mileage poll for 2006

How many miles did you ride your bicycle in 2006?

Vote in the poll in the right column and see where you stack up against other Biking Bis readers.

Right off, I'm ashamed to admit that I barely skimmed 2,000 miles. Looking back over my monthly bike logs, I see notes for serious bike mechanical problems in February, the commitment of managing youth baseball in March through mid-June, and illness this fall.

They're all flabby excuses …

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Happy New Year!!!

Here's to everyone having a safe and enjoyable year on two wheels …

— Biking Bis

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Happy New Year

Have a good one

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Bicycle thief

Movie cover. Known variously as Bicycle Thieves and Bicycle Thief.

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Bicycling for peace and finding love

Pablo Garcia found more than he bargained for on his worldwide bicycle tour.

The bicycle tour started as a solo venture by the Argentinian cyclist, who embarked from South Africa in 2001. He bicycled up the African continent and reached Egypt in 2004. He then rode around Northern Europe before taking on the Mediterranean countries.

That's when he met, and married, Clara Vicari, an Italian grad student ….

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Bicycle tour organization still spinning

2006 marked the 30th anniversary for the Bikecentennial summer, when some 4,100 bicycle tourists hit the highway and rode the TransAmerica bicycle route to celebrate the nation's 200th birthday.

The Bikecentennial group is still around under a different name, Adventure Cycling Association. The group is still based in Missoula, Montana, and boasts 42,500 members, up from 7,500 in the early years. It's the largest nonprofit cycling organization in the country.

The hometown newspaper, the Missoulian, interviewed Adventure Cycling's executive director about the group's plans…

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Roadside breakfast

Pablo Garcia and Clara Vicari eat breakfast. From Around the World on a Bicycle website.

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Breakfast on the road

Pablo Garcia and Clara Vicari at Around the World on a Bicycle.

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Bicycle tour slated on nation's longest bike-hike trail

Bicyclists can celebrate the opening of the final link of the Great Allegheny Passage with a fully supported bike tour that spins from DC to Pittsburgh this summer.

Dubbed the Greenway Sojourn 2007 by organizers Rails to Trails Conservancy, the bike ride takes advantage of 335 miles of unbroken bicycle path comprising the C&O Canal towpath (DC's Georgetown to Cumberland, Maryland) and the Great Allegheny Passage (Cumberland to Pittsburgh).

The bike tour, limited to 500 cyclists, runs from June 23-30, 2007. The northbound tour provides camping …

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