Author's posts

Can bicycle and motorcycle groups make roads safer?

Bicyclists and motorcyclists have more in common than just their desire to tool around on two wheels. Along with pedestrians, both types of bikers are extremely vulnerable to mistakes motorists make.

The American Motorcycle Association has taken a leading role in pushing for traffic justice through state capitols across the nation. When the League of American Bicyclists meets in Washington DC for its annual National Bike Summit March 13-16, representatives from the motorcycle association will be on hand to discuss their efforts.

The motorcycle group's Justice for All Campaign focuses on inadequate sentencing of drivers who injure or kill others on the road. They seek 3 changes in state laws …

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Why my valve stems keep busting loose

Maybe you have your own bicycling frustrations. Breaking off valve stems has been mine.

The first time occurred after I patched a flat during Cycle Across Maryland, pumped up the tire, and the innertube started leaking at its connection with the valve stem. It happened twice on that trip.

I chalked it up to “bad innertubes,” but this has continued to plague me year after year, regardless of brand. Ever since I became a firm believer in Mr. Tuffies and graduated up to Armadillo-style tires …

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Valve stem popped off innertube

I hate it when this happens

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Bicycle teams announced for 2007 Tour of California

One month to go and the Amgen Tour of California has announced the 18 professional bicycling teams for the Feb. 18-25 stage race from San Francisco to Long Beach.

The list of cycling teams includes 10 US-based teams and 9 teams on the UCI Pro Tour.

I'm looking forward to this. Last year's inaugural race included wins by George Hincapie for Discovery and Levi Leipheimer, above, for Gerolsteiner (he's now with Discovery also).&nbsp Notably absent in 2007 will be overall winner Floyd Landis, who is fighting blood doping charges.

The teams listed for the 2007 Tour of California, and links to websites where rosters can be found …

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No charges in September charity bike ride death; parents react

UPDATED: Jan. 16 — South Carolina police said Monday that no charges will be filed in the bicycling death of Rachel Giblin, a 15-year-old girl who was struck by a pickup truck during a MS 150 bike ride last September.

Rachel and her brother, Tommy, were riding a tandem bicycle in the Breakaway to the Beach fund-raiser for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society on Sept. 16, 2006, with their parents.

In the months following the fatality, Highway Patrol investigators determined that Rachel and her brother fell and were hit as the pickup truck passed.

Rachel's parents dispute that version and want the case reopened. …

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Where to find free (not new) bicycle stuff

Last week I wrote about some of the advantages of shelling out the extra money to buy a custom bicycle instead of a model off the shelf.

Here's the opposite idea: buy nothing new. Instead of plopping down money for a spanking new bike, search around and get one that someone is giving away. You might not get the exact selection you're after with your unique specifications, but the price is right — $00.00.

Over the new year, a story circulated about a group of folks in San Francisco who started a “buy nothing new” movement, called The Compact. Except for food, toiletries and other health and safety items, the group pledged to stick to finding free or used items.

There are a few websites that deal in free stuff, and of course there's Craigslist …

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Old bicycle

Too late for this bike to be saved. Lots of rust. bobclothier at

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85 straight hours on a stationary bicycle

Chalk up 85 straight hours of bicycling on a stationary cycle for 49-year-old Aurora, Illinois, resident George Hood.

As he broke the previous Guinness World Record of 82 hours Saturday evening, he passed the equivalent of 1,000 miles.

Hood was riding the solo endurance event to raise $25,000 for the Illinois COPS (Concerns of Police Officers), a group dedicated to raising money for survivors of police killed in the line of duty. You might remember two policemen on bikes died in a COPS fund-raising bike ride in neighboring Indiana last year. …

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More bicycle stuff at Consumer Electronics Show

Apparently there was more for bicycling at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this past week than a Motorola CEO pedaling around on a yellow bike to sell cell phone chargers.

In a weekend wrap-up, a couple of Seattle Times reporters told about the helmet camera, a PCGamer bike and iPod bicycle speakers they stumpled across at the event.

Oregon Scientific had the ATC2K Waterproof ActionCamera (above, not on bike helmet). The half-pound camera …

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Recumbent style PCGamer Bike

The faster you pedal, the faster you move through your virtual world. To be released in February 2007 by 3D Innovations.


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