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The Tour de France has been around almost forever

It's kind of startling to remember that the Tour de France existed before Lance Armstrong, Greg Lemond, or even the 7-Eleven cycling team.

The Tour de France dates back to 1903 and had a long, rich history before Phil Liggett first saw the cyclists dancing on their pedals or the bike race appeared live on American TV in high definition.

Brent Hugh posted this charming short film about the 1962 Tour de France at the Missouri Bicycle and Pedestrian Federation website. Entitled “Vive le tour,” it was written and directed by the brilliant French filmmaker Louis Malle early in his career.

The film isn't about who won or lost. It's about the spectators, the advertising caravan, and the cyclists who raid cafes along the route for beer and wine …

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An overnight bike trip to the Snoqualmie Tunnel finds a popular destination

On an overnight bike trip to the John Wayne Pioneer Trail last weekend, my biking buddy and I discovered that the newly reopened Snoqualmie Tunnel is drawing a lot of visitors.

Mostly they're day-trippers on bicycles, but some come by foot and at least a couple packed in with their llamas carrying their burdens.

The cyclists we talked with were taking advantage of the 18-mile downhill slope that greets them after they pass through the tunnel heading west.

They either came in groups and dropped off cars in Hyak and the Iron Horse Trail State Park lot in Cedar Falls, or contacted the shuttle service that carries passengers and bicycles to the Hyak trailhead …

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3 new smart ideas that involve bicycles

Here are three examples I've stumbled across recently that demonstrate how bicycles seem to attract clever schemes.

It stands to reason — the bicycle has been considered the best invention in the last 200 years.

The city of Pleasanton, California, is employing microwave technology to sense bicyclists approaching several intersections in the town.

The “intersector” — a microwave motion and presence detector — can identify bicycles in traffic. It either extends or triggers a traffic light if a bicyclist is detected.

Cyclists in Pleasanton like the technology because they're not tempted to squeeze a yellow light or run a red light at an intersection ….

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Tour de France podium finishers will compete in Colorado

The week-long Colorado bike race later this month known officially as the USA Pro Cycling Challenge will feature the top three podium finishers from the Tour de France — Cadel Evans, left, Andy Schleck and Frank Schleck.

The highest placed US cyclist from the Tour, Tom Danielson, also is rolling up to the start line.

That's an impressive lineup for the inaugural cycling race that runs from Aug. 22-28 across the mountainous landscape of the Rockies.

The last cyclist to compete in a bike race in the US after winner the Tour de France …

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Slow cyclists meet fast cyclists

Originally uploaded by ebis50

My biking buddy Russell and I are biking up to Snoqualmie Pass for an overnight and ran into the Seattle Century riders on Saturday.

Our loaded touring bikes stood out in stark contrast to their lightweight machines.

We were each enjoying our different styles of cycling on …

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Bicyclist dies in Seattle hit and run; cyclist identified

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The bicycle rider struck and seriously injured Thursday afternoon by a hit-and-run SUV driver in the South Lake Union area of Seattle has died.

The Medical Examiner's Office made the announcement on Friday morning.

The man was identified as Michael Wang, 44, a photographer for the worldwide health nonprofit PATH. He is survived by his wife, Claire Allen, and their two children, ages 12 and 9.

His wife told the Seattle Times that her husband regularly commuted to work from their home in Shoreline …

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Overnighter bicycle tour to the Key Peninsula from Seattle

The ferries that cross Puget Sound can be a quick and affordable escape for bicyclists seeking to get away from the urban sprawl for a rural retreat.

Although these ferry rides are relatively short, I always feel that I've been deposited on a faraway shore with all my cares and worries left behind.

Last week, I rode down to the Seattle Ferry Terminal to begin an overnight bicycle tour to the Key Peninsula, a rather isolated part of lower Kitsap. How isolated? A barista I spoke with near the town of Home said she'd lived there 32 years and was still considered a newcomer.

I would only be gone 30 hours, but I felt like I'd been away from home for a week by the time I returned …

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Video: Office workers thwart bicycle theft in San Francisco

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If you've ever had your locked-up bicycle stolen from a bicycle rack in broad daylight, then you'll certainly appreciate the efforts of this young woman and her co-workers in San Francisco.

At about 25 seconds into this video, you'll see a guy saunter into the bottom of the frame carrying a backpack. He casually removes a set of bolt cutters and goes to work.

Before he can ride away, a designer identified as Kristen for the advertising firm WCG leads her coworkers out of the office to knock the guy down.

No more physical violence after that, as he gets away ….

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Lance Armstrong returns to Iowa for a bike ride at RAGBRAI

Since he skipped the Tour de France this year, Lance Armstrong must have been in fresh shape for his return to RAGBRAI on Tuesday.

This is the 7-time Tour winner's fourth visit to the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, which is rolling across the state this week from Glenwood to Davenport.

In previous years, the Armstrong-mania got so crazy that it became a distraction. Many thought the cross-state bike tour could be renamed Lance-BRAI.

This year, the reaction was more manageable. Armstrong flew in from Paris to spend the day cycling with members of the Livestrong Army, above ….

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Livestrong Army at RAGBRAI

Lance Armstrong poses with cyclists who support the Livestrong cause at 2011 RAGBRAI. Photo from Lance Armstrong's Posterous site.

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