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Ivan Basso on Discovery pro cycling team

Ivan Basso at Paceline.

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Withlacoochee State Trail

Location of Withlachoochee State Trail.

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Withlacoochee bike ride

Sponsored by Rails to Trails of the Withlachoochee club in Florida

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Opposition to 3-foot bicycle buffer bill in California

Newspapers in California are beginning to pick up on the proposed legislation that would require motorists to give bicycles three feet of space when they drive past.

A story, “Cyclists like push for safety in bill” (that unfortunately quotes just one cyclist), printed by several MediaNews newspapers around the state reports that the same opponents to an earlier version of the bill that was defeated last April are lining up again.

From what I read, here's the major argument posed by the opponents: …

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What a day for a bike ride

Just when I think I'll be wearing my rainjacket for the rest of my bicycling life, we get hit with a day like this — sunny, temp in the high 40s, calm, did I mention sunny?

After suffering through weeks of windstorms, snowstorms, freezing temperatures and rain, lots of rain, cyclists up here by the hundreds emerged into the sunshine for their rides on Saturday.

Here's what I enjoyed on today's bike ride …

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Bicycling at The 2007 Bloggies

Something from the insider shop-talk department:  Two bicycling blogs have been nominated for this year's seventh annual Weblog Awards.

Up in Alaska has been chosen in the Best Sports Blog category. Jill mentioned it in her ride post on Thursday, then let the matter drop.

Fat Cyclist has been nominated in the Best Kept Secret category for the best underrepresented weblogs. Fatty's gone to the opposite extreme and is begging people to vote for his blog. A flashing advertisement on his site shouts, “I need validation.” …

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Bike on Lake Washington bridge

Cyclist crosses Lake Washington bridge on sunny January afternoon.

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Wisconsin bike group removes director

Looks like the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin might be searching for a new executive director.

The Wisconsin bicycle advocacy group's executive committee has removed Darwin Ward, executive director since the fall of 2002, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. No explanation was given for the removal.

Members were surprised by the action and some were disturbed by the way it happened….

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Bicyclists cycle tourist dollars into towns

Here's one of the best reasons for towns to support bicycling — those sweaty, sunburnt cyclists usually have money in their wallets and they're hungry, thirsty and looking for some off-bike activity.

Small towns across Iowa know this; they compete to be named host cities to 10,000-plus cyclists on RAGBRAI every year.

Cumberland Mayor Lee Fiedler knows it too; he's busy convincing downtown businessmen that the opening of the Great Allegheny Passage will deposit some 250,000 hikers and bicyclists on the city's doorstep this year and they need to keep businesses open on weekends. …

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All is forgiven for Pereiro

The French anti-doping authority has dismissed proceedings against Spanish cyclist Oscar Pereiro for failing two doping tests during the 2006 Tour de France.

He showed them a note from his doctor. End of story. Everything is forgiven.

Last week a French newspaper reported the leak that Pereiro tested positive for the banned substance salbutamol (an asthma medication) during the Tour …

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