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Armstrong knocks French cyclists on comedy show

Lance Armstrong appeared as a guest on The Colbert Report at Comedy Central last night, but didn't get many chances to get an answer out.

One zinger he did deliver came after host Stephen Colbert asked him: “What did it feel like to kick that much French butt?”

“I actually liked it,” Armstrong said, adding, “The honest truth is there aren't any good French riders.” Ouch. …

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A reporter searches for his stolen bicycle

Have you ever had a bicycle stolen and wondered what happened to it?

I've been lucky, but thousands of other aren't. Some $50 million worth of bicycles are stolen each year.

Justin Jouvenal is one of the unlucky ones. He wrote a fascinating story about his search for his stolen Fuji Touring bicycle in the San Francisco Bay Guardian. His quest is a journey through the city's bicycling underworld. …

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Stolen Bike poster

Posted by hackintosh at flickr.

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Hell on Wheels; a refreshing perspective on Tour de France

Nothing against the cadre of American cyclists who compete in the Tour de France, but it's refreshing to see the bicycle race from another perspective in Hell on Wheels.

I finally got around to renting this documentary by German filmmaker Pepe Danquart the other day and was immediately smitten by its non-American feel. This is what the Tour de France is to the rest of the world.

Granted, there had to be the obligatory scenes of Lance Armstrong that year (2003) — coasting off-road through a field, going down after snagging a fan's musette, and a nut-crunching slip out of the pedals. …

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That Floyd Landis book

Cyclist Floyd Landis' hometown paper got the inside scoop about the beleaugered Tour de France winner's new book from a close source, Floyd's mother Arlene.

Entitled “Positively False: The Real Story of How I Won The Tour de France,” the book is being written with Bicycling magazine associate executive editor Loren Mooney and is scheduled for a June 26 release, just before the Tour de France and after the results of his hearing on doping accusations are known.

I'm thinking they should have borrowed the title from Lance Armstrong's first book, and called it, “It's Not About the Drugs.”

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Hell on Wheels

Documentary about the 2003 Tour de France

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Lance Armstrong on The Colbert Report

Lance Armstrong has parried with the French media, but I'm sure he's never had it so bad as when he takes the hot seat for questioning by Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report.

Armstrong is scheduled to appear on the show at 11:30 p.m. (ET/PT) Wednesday. It is rebroadcast throughout the following day and segments will also be shown online at The Colbert Report website on Thursday.

The seven-time Tour de France winner will be there to talk about his efforts to fight cancer through the Lance Armstrong Foundation. One can only guess at the sordid topics the Colbert will want to discuss.

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Stephen Colbert

Hosts Lance Armstrong Feb. 12, 2007 on Colber Report on Comedy Central.

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Dahon pushing employees onto bicycles

While billionaire Richard Branson pledges $25 million to anyone figures out way to remove a billon tons of CO2 from the atmosphere annually, bicycle maker Dahon is making sure its employees don't leave carbon footprints on the way to work.

Bicycle Retailer reports that one way the California-based foldable bike manufacturer is going carbon-neutral is by offering free bikes to its workers.

It works like this: Any worker who rides a bike to work three times a week gets a free bike, as does as any employee who combines a commute by mass transit and a bike ride. …

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Dahon Speed 8

A Dahon foldable bicycle, the Speed 8

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