Author's posts

A painful cross-country bike tour

A 25-year-old Sacramento man pedaled into Memphis recently, completing a remarkable 2,800-mile bike tour from La Jolla.

What makes Kyle Bryant's ride so amazing is that he suffers from a debilitating inherited disease — Friedreich's Ataxia — that damages his nervous system and causes loss of muscle control.

The ride was also noteworthy because he raised $47,000 and lots of awareness by doing the ride, and two major ataxia support organizations kicked in $30,000 each toward a $100,000 grant for ataxia research that will be awarded in his name ….

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Tour of Utah is scratched

Organizers of the Tour of Utah cancelled the week-long bicycle race this year due to a lack of sponsors.

Sounds like a familiar refrain? The Tour of Georgia is going ahead without a title sponsor but is depending on smaller sponsors and a hoped for $1 million infusion from Georgia taxpayers.

The inaugural Tour of Missouri also is seeking a title sponsor as is the Montreal-Boston Tour. The only big US tour flush with money this year was the Tour of California, which was sponsored by drug-maker Amgen for the second straight year. …

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Kyle Bryant on Ride Ataxia

Kyle Bryant rode 2,800 miles to raise money money and attend a conference for Friedreich's Ataxia, a degenerative disease. Read more at Ride Ataxia.

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Rolling bar begins tour in Twin Cities

Here's a way to get smashed while you're cycling and walk away unscathed.

The PedalPub in Minneapolis-St. Paul is a rolling bar built for 16. Ten seats are set up with freewheels for pedaling, with room for a few freeloaders, a bartender and a driver.

Owners Al Boyce and Eric Olson report at their PedalPub website that the activity is strictly legal — PedalPub doesn't sell, supply or serve any beverages. That's left up to the renters who can bring anything along, much as they would in a limo. …

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Rolling bar

Developed in The Netherlands as Het Fietscafe, some entrepreneurs have brought it to Minneapolis-St. Paul and renamed it the PedalPub.

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So many naked bike rides — a scheduling headache in Seattle

jennhx at

It's sometimes a challenge to schedule bicycling tours that don't conflict with other recreational events.

But I was surprised to discover the niche of naked bicycling was so crowded on the Seattle calendar that the organizers of the World Naked Bike Ride here are struggling to find an open date.

I was reading over at the Gadling bicycle touring blog that World Naked Bike Rides — protesting oil dependency and the car culture — were held in Australia and South America on March 10, and that similar rides are scheduled in the northern half of the planet on June 9 and 30. I thought it would be cool to post the local date on the my bicycling calendar. …

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Painted cyclists at Fremont Solstice Parade

Photo by jennhx at

Painted cyclists ride in Seattle neighborhood's Solstice Parade in June 2006.

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Burning more calories on your bike

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The growing obesity rate of Americans is one of the items that struck me in Trek Bicycle boss John Burke's slideshow to other bicycle makers the other day.

Burke showed a series of slides, represented at right, showing the increase and geographical range of obesity rates among adults Americans in the past 15 years.  

If you're in the obesity range — 30 pounds overweight for a 5-foot-4 adult — or you want to hold your weight steady, you might be interested to check out a calorie calculator that estimates how many calories are burned by different activities.

For instance, I discovered that one hour of cycling at 12-14 mph burns 594 calories, while one hour of blogging (writing) burns 72 calories. …

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Obesity trends in the US

Center for Disease Control charts rendered on Discovery Health website.

See the CDC for more about obesity trends for adults and children in the US.

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Bellevue (Washington) bicycling survey; fill it out

Bellevue commuter

If you bicycle or walk around Bellevue, you only have about two weeks to have your voice heard in the Walk & Roll 2007 Pedestrian-Bike Plan.

An online survey is available at the city of Bellevue website through April 10. I filled it out recently and it only takes a few minutes.

It's basically a multiple choice survey — “always,” “sometimes,” “never” — to determine what bicycle facilities you use or would use if available. It also has space for respondents to fill in their major concerns or specific needs for bicycing in the city; this can be more time-consuming but it's necessary to put the officials on notice. …

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