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Kicking the tires at the virtual used bicycle lot

After perusing hundreds of bicycles for sale online, I've concluded that an amazing number of people buy bicycles that they don't ride. OK, maybe once or twice.

My son has outgrown his mountain bike and is interested in getting a road bike for a summer bike tour. At the rate he's growing, I'm a little reluctant to buy something brand new. So I'm looking for something used on Craigslist

I'm surprised at how many low mileage bikes are out there. Here are some of the unusual ads I've come across:

Fixed Gear: “Although 2 years old it has never been ridden. Complete except for pedals (not included). I bought it before my wife got pregnant, and, well you know how it goes.” …

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Used bikes for sale

So many low mileage bikes for sale

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New bicycling routes in France this year

More than 700 miles of bicycle trails and signed bicycling routes will be open in the Loire Valley and Burgundy regions of France this summer.

Those areas have discovered the benefits of bicycle touring to the local economies. They're promoting cycling in their regions by extending bike routes — 350 miles have been added in the past year — and promoting the trails on websites geared to bicyclists.

The Loire Valley in western France has about 250 miles of bike paths and routes ready this year, with another 250 miles planned for the near future. …

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Bike route sigs in France

More than 500 miles of signed bicycle routes have been added in France this year, mainly in the Loire Valley. See La Loire a Velo website in English.

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Should US cities follow Mexico City's lead?

If you're a top-level bureaucrat for the Mexico City government, you get to ride a bicycle to work the first Monday of every month. Actually, you must. It's an order.

Mayor Marcelo Ebrard issued the order in February to prove that bicycles are a workable option for commuting in the city and to promote the use of bike paths.

Something's got to be done to solve traffic, pollution and congestion problems in Mexico's capital city of 18 million people. Some 4 million cars use the streets everyday, making it one of the most crowded and polluted cities in the world. …

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Tale of the tape for March

My quest for 4,000 miles in 2007 is not quite on track, but I'm closer to hitting the monthly mileage I need to accomplish that goal.

Once again 14 rides in March. The weather must be improving, as only 5 of those rides were in what I described as “occasional drizzle” to “constant rain.” I even mentioned “sun” three times in my log.

The longest ride was 41 miles. I picked my way through Renton to Tukwilla (about 10 miles from home) where I jumped onto the Green River Trail and headed south. The bronze statue — Slipstream (at left) — is located along the trail in the vicinity of Kent. …

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Bicyclist passing Slipstream statue

The Slipstream bronze statue on the Green Valley Bike Trail in Kent, Washington.

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7 bicycling violations that will earn a ticket in Topeka (and other places, too)

When we bicyclists fight for the right to be on the road and to hold all the entitlements as a motor vehicle, we've also committed ourselves to following the rules of the road.

A blogger at the Citizen-Journal Online asked a Topeka, Kansas, police spokesman what traffic laws bicyclists most commonly break.

How many moving violations would you have committed in Topeka on your weekend ride? I'll admit to doing a slow roll through most stop signs unless there's a car in the intersection.

1. Failing to stop completely at a stop sign or red light. (A “bump and run” isn't adequate to see a car coming, police say.) …

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Bike at stop sign

From kelsey at

Bicycle parked at a stop sign in Spain.

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Bicycle tour raises global warming specter in Latin America

A United Nations report says that the world's richest countries, while contributing the most toward global warming, are doing little to curb its effects in the poorer nations that will be hardest hit.

That's hardly news to California bicyclist David Kroodsma, who for the past 17 months has been bicycling through Central and South America to raise awareness about global warming and its impact on the Americas.

His website, Ride for Climate: The Americas, is a primer on the science of global warming and offers first-hand observations of how rising temperatures will affect the poorer nations of Latin America. …

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