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Suggestions for bicycling the Great Allegheny Passage

This will be the first full year that bicycle tourists can ride the full-length of the 150-mile Great Allegheny Passage between Cumberland, Md., and Pittsburgh.

Connecting with the 186-mile long C&O Canal Towpath between Washington DC and Cumberland, the entire route 336-mile route promises to be a popular destination for bicycling tours this summer, if the Rails-to-Trails' Greenway Sojourn 2007 along the the corridor is any indication.

A group of 12 cyclists from Atlanta recently completed the trip and posted some observations at GAP Yahoo group. …

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Bike to Work Day is just around the corner

Civic and business leaders in Silicon Valley jumped on their bikes Friday to rally the troops for a big turnout for National Bike to Work Day during the week of  May 14-18.

Hundreds of bicycle clubs and business groups across the nation are making plans for Bike to Work Day, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists. Workers are being encouraged to leave their cars parked at home and commute by bicycle that day in hopes that they'll realize that bike commuting is possible… maybe even fun.

In the Silicon Valley, business leaders are promoting the CEO/Celebrity Cycle to Work Day Challenge to encourage participation the event. Area CEOs and government leaders are being challenged to ride their own bikes to work on May 17, encourage employees to do the same, and host welcome stations for cyclists at their offices. …

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Silicon Valley business leaders bike

Carl Guardino, President & CEO, Silicon Valley Leadership Group; Yoriko Kishimoto, Mayor of Palo Alto; and Ed Colligan, President and CEO, Palm, lead other cyclists in a ride on Friday to encourage Silicon Valleyites to participate in the CEO/Celebrity Cycle-to-work Day challenge on Bike to Work Day on May 17.

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Logo for US Open Cycling Championships

US Open held in Virginia on April 7.

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Double dose of pro cycling on TV this weekend

If you're working on your income taxes this weekend instead of bicycling, you might want to flip on the TV for the inaugural US Open Cycling Championships on NBC on Saturday or the Tour of Flanders on Sunday on the Versus (OLN in Canada) cable network.

NBC is televising the road race championships from Virginia from 2:30 to 5 p.m. ET (11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. PT) on Saturday. Coverage of the Belgium's Tour of Flanders spring classic runs from 7 to 8 pm. Sunday (ET) as part of Versus' Cyclysm Sunday series.

It is quite a coup for the US Open to get same-day coverage on network television. Cable sports stations rule the roost for cycling in the US and abroad; the last time network TV offered same-day domestic cycling coverage was 1996, an organizer told VeloNews. …

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“The Flying Scotsman” bike movie opens in select cities in May

The film adaptation of two-time bicycling one-hour world record holder Graeme Obree's life is scheduled for release May 4 in Seattle, Boston, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Toronto and Washington DC.

The year's first US screening, however, will be Friday night at the 16th Philadelphia Film Festival.  Here's a two-and-a-half minute trailer for the film:

Obree's accomplishments are amazing, considering that he broke the world record as an amateur racing on a bicycle that he designed. He also battled bicycling federation bureaucrats who disapproved of his riding style, and his own inner demons, as he was later diagnosed with bipolar disorder. …

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Another sponsor for 2007 Tour de Georgia

Still scratching around for money, Tour de Georgia organizers announced Wednesday that AT&T has come forward with $500,000.

Tour de Georgia backers said a couple of weeks ago that “the race must go on” in spite of a $1 million shortfall and lack of a title sponsor. The Georgia state legislature then got into the action; first House approved $1 million infusion in the 2007 state budget, then the state Senate removed it…

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Sharrow — emphasizing areas where cars and bike share the road. Photo by quosquos at

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Seattle Bicycle Master Plan is online

The Seattle Bicycle Master Plan seeks to double the miles of bicycle lanes and marked bike routes in the city within the next two years and begin work on the “final mile” of the Burke-Gilman Trail in Ballard.

The document was posted online at the city's transportation department website in conjunction with Mayor Greg Nickel's press conference Wednesday morning.

The document calls for adding 136 miles of bicycle lanes and marked bike routes to the city's existing 67-mile network in the next two years. Most of this work will be accomplished as part of street upgrades funded by last fall's transportation levy.

Within the next 10 years, Seattle plans to add 452 miles of marked or separated bicycle routes criss-crossing the city. These too will be added while other street upgrades are underway. …

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Bicycling is one way to fight childhood obesity

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation says it will spend $500 million in the next five years to help stem the rising tide of childhood obesity.

I hope the philanthropic organization considers the benefits of bicycling and how to make it easier and safer for children to use their bikes for exercise.

The foundation estimates that about one-third of the US population of children 17 and younger are overweight or obese; that's equal to the rate of the adult population. If the trend isn't reversed, foundation president Dr. Risa Lavizzo-Mourey told the NY Times, “The younger generation is going to live sicker and die younger than their parents because of obesity.” …

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