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Landis' “clean” samples to get another look

Cyclist Floyd Landis' attorneys are objecting to a ruling that allows retesting of his Tour de France urine samples that had previously been found to be negative.

To add insult to injury, the samples will be retested at the same French laboratory where Landis alleges mistakes were made that resulted in positive results on “A” and “B” urine samples and led to charges of blood-doping against the 2006 Tour de France winner.

Landis has been battling the doping charges since shortly after the conclusion of the Tour de France. If he loses his upcoming case (scheduled to begin May 14 in Malibu) and any subsequent appeals, he would be stripped of his Tour de France championship and be banned from professional cycling for two years. …

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World TEAM logo

Logo for World TEAM — The Exceptional Athlete Matters. The group is sponsoring the 2007 Face of America bicycle ride from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to Bethesda, Maryland, for wounded soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan.

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New blogger at Biking Bis

In the next couple of days, I'll be joined here by my old friend and cross-country cycling companion Bruce Friedland. You might remember him from the TransAmerica Bike Tour — 1984 series or the recent article about the Cookie House Registry.

Bruce has remained an active cyclist back in Maryland all these years and is riding and filing from …

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Brake shoe replacement time

I probably should have checked my brake pads before I nearly ran into the side of a moving car at the corner shopping center the other day.

When the snow and freezing temperatures hit the Pacific Northwest this winter, the street and highway departments answered the challenge by dumping tons of sand on the pavement.

No one has come along to sweep away that accumulated sand, except for me and my bike rims. …

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New vs. worn brake pads

Road grit quickly wears out brake pads.

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SRAM recalls bicycle brake calipers

SRAM is recalling about 5,400 Force Road Brake Caliper sets as the brakes can snap off from the bicycle's fork or frame.

Although no incidents or injuries have been reported, SRAM and the Consumer Product Safety Commission is urging customers to stop using bikes outfitted with these brake calipers and immediately contact their bicycle retailer for a free replacement.

The Chicago-based company said the units were made in Taiwan, according to the CPSC press release. …

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SRAM recalls bicycle brake calipers

SRAM recalls 5,400 bike brake calipers as they can become detached from the frame or fork. See Consumer Product Safety Commission.

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Two vets make separate bike tours to support wounded comrades

Two veterans — one from Vietnam and the other from Desert Storm — are making their way cross-country on bicycle tours to raise funds and awareness of wounded and disabled veterans.

The Bicycle America for Wounded Vets tour begins in San Francisco on June 2, and the Fallen Heroes' Ride Across America left from Florida on March 23 and is already in Mississippi.

Meanwhile, a two-day bike ride fund-raiser — the Face of America Bike Ride — in Pennsylvania and Maryland to assist disabled military members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan is set to start on April 28. …

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Bob Rodweller biking for veterans

Vietnam veteran Bob Rodweller is preparing to bicycle cross-country to raise money and awareness for disabled veterans. See his Bicycle America for Wounded Veterans webpage.


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Canadian wins snowy US Cycling Open

Canadian cyclist Svein Tuft won the inaugural US Open Cycling Championships on a snowy day in Virginia on Saturday.

The rider for the Symmetrics team bridged a gap to solo breakaway cyclist Jonathan Patrick McCarty (US) of the Slipstream team, and attacked on the last of eight 5.5-mile circuits around Richmond.

Tuft crossed the finish first, followed by McCarty then Argentinian Alejandro Borrajo of the Rite Aid team. …

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