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Live Tour de Georgia video now working at Tour Tracker

Tour de Georgia's Tour Tracker is streaming live video as I write this, but no audio yet for Stage 3. Looks like that breakaway of about a dozen is working a double paceline to put some minutes between itself and the peloton.

It's been a rough start for Tour Tracker the first couple of days, as I know they never got the video and audio up Tuesday, and maybe not Monday either. I suppose a few bugs are inevitable whenever you're dealing with melding new technologies. (Crap just lost the video on a Category 4 climb.) ….

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TdG Tour Tracker

Sometimes working sometimes not at Tour Tracker.

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Big boys quiet so far at Tour de Georgia

Ivan Stevic

One of the most refreshing things about this year's Tour de Georgia is how the Continental pro cycling teams are getting all the attention and appear to be driving this race.

I know, we've only seen two stages, but the big ProTour cycling teams like Discovery Channel, Team CSC, Predictor-Lotto, QuickStep and Prodir-Saunier have been pretty quiet so far.

All the action has come from cyclists on the smaller budget teams that don't usually make it over to Europe to compete in the high-prestige bicycle races. This is great recognition for those dedicated guys who train day-after-day for the chance to one day make the big time. …

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Tour de Kentucky bike tour raises money for MS

Twenty-three cyclists are hopping on their bicycles next month with the goal of cycling into eight states in eight days, just by pedaling the circumference of Kentucky.

The first-ever Tour de Kentucky is the idea of Bill Turner to raise money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. He and his 22 teammates hope to raise $111,500 through the adventure.

Turner put together the unique tour route last fall, when he drove his van 3,200 miles around the perimeter of the state looking for good roads and border crossings. The actual route of the bike tour is 716 miles. …

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Tour de Kentucky bicycle tour

Eight states in eight days to raise money for MS Society. Go to Tour de Kentucky.

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Ivan Stevic

Toyota United cycling team…

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Toyota-United's Stevic sticks it for Tour de Georgia win

The peloton must have learned its lesson from the day before at the Tour de Georgia, and closed the gap to a three-man breakaway before arriving in Rome for the Stage 2 finish.

The cyclists from Jittery Joes, Navigators Insurance and Priority Health gained as much as 9 minutes on the main group during the 135-mile stage between Thomaston and Rome before they were reeled in.

The stage ended with three circuits around Rome, and Toyota-United's Ivan Stevic attacked on the last lap with enough staying power to propel him to victory. Juan Jose Haedo (Team CSC) and Fred Rodriguez (Predictor-Lotto) finished in second and third, respectively. …

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More Pac Northwest cyclists at Tour de Georgia

There are a total of six pro cyclists at the 2007 Tour de Georgia this year with roots in the Pacific Northwest.

I wrote about Portland's Doug Ollerenshaw and North Bend's Tom Peterson on Monday. When a reader emailed that there was at least one more, I thought I'd better check the rosters as closely as I could and came up with four more cyclists:

Washington residents Ian McKissick of Mulkiteo and Jonathan Patrick McCarty of North Bend, Omer Kem of Salem, Oregon, and Phil Zajicek, whose hometown is Eugene, Oregon. …

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Jonathan P. McCarty

Jonathan McCarty rides with Team Slipstream and lives in North Bend, Washington.

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Phil Zajicek

Phil Zajicek is a member of Navigators Insurance cycling team. His hometown is Eugene, Oregon, although he resides in Tucson.

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