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Freddie Rodriguez

US sprinter on Predictor Lotto cycling team.

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Armstrong appears on Ted Koppel's “Living with Cancer” panel

Former pro cyclist and the world's most famous cancer survivor Lance Armstrong will appear on the live Town Hall meeting “Living with Cancer” on the Discovery Channel.

The show, hosted by former ABC Nightlight reporter Ted Koppel, also features presidential candidate spouse Elizabeth Edwards, exec producer Leroy Sievers, and a studio audience comprised of people living with cancer.

The show airs at 8 p.m. (ET), Sunday, May 6, on the Discovery Channel. The live studio audience will meet at the Discovery Channel headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. …

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Leipheimer wins at Brasstown Bald; teammate Brajkovic retains yellow

Discovery Channel cyclist Levi Leipheimer beat the peloton to the top of Brasstown Bald (on right side of course profile) on Friday, winning his second mountain-top Tour de Georgia stage in as many days.

Teammate Janez Brajkovic of Slovenia retained the leader's yellow jersey after he and closest challenger Christian Vandevelde (Team CSC) of the US matched each other up the climb up the highest point in Georgia. Vandevelde trails Brajkovic by 12 seconds in the overall standings.

Crowds swarmed over the summit of Brasstown Bald, as Tom Danielson (Discovery) and Anthony Colby (Colavita/Sutter Home) finished behind Leipheimer. Last year's Tour de Georiga and Tour de France winner Floyd Landis was on hand at the summit to meet and greet. …

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Brasstown Bald stage at Tour de Georgia

This is why everyone talks about this stage at Tour de Georgia

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Dumpster-diving across America by bicycle

Not Nick

I thought I was a bit of a Luddite about fancy, new bicycle equipment, but Nick Lubecki has me beat by many, many miles.

Lubecki writes about his style of bicycling touring in the April issue of Dirt Rag magazine. He tours on old bicycles, he makes his own panniers or simply straps a milk carton to a rear rack, and he feeds the machine on high-fat food that he often finds in dumpsters.

Don't spend thousands of dollars on a new bike and gear. Adjustments can probably be made to that bicycle you ride every day, and a lot of the gear you already have around the house, he writes. …

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Nutrition on bike tour

Eat right on bike tour

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Leipheimer wins Tour de Georgia time trial; teammate Brajkovic takes overall lead

The Discovery Channel pro cycling team took the stage and overall lead at the Tour de Georgia on Thursday, perhaps setting up a battle later on with Team CSC.

Levi Leipheimer won the 18.9-mile Stage 4 individual time trial from Chickamauga to Lookout Mountain in 44:51.

Although he finished more than 2 minutes later, teammate Janez Brajkovic's 47:28 was good enough to take the yellow jersey from the shoulders of David Canada from Saunier Duval-Prodir.. …

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Problems with bicycle; woman steals car

There's a story from Palm Beach about a woman who was having problems with her bicycle and traded it for a car the owner had left parked in front of a sandwich store with the engine running.

You know, I always worry about getting bike-jacked whenever I pass someone looking under the hood of their broken down car at the side of the road. When they watch me pedal by, I imagine they're thinking about how simple it would be to ride a bicycle and avoid all the mechanical problems of the internal combustion engine. …

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Discovery's Meersman wins Tour de Georgia stage; favorites are out of contention

The Tour de Georgia keeps on delivering surprises. A youth movement attack of 13 cyclists tore apart the peloton with a nearly 30-minute plus breakaway that essentially ended the General Classification aspirations for all the favorites.

Discovery Channel's Gianni Meersman, left, of Belgium — the youngest cyclist in the race — won the 118-mile Stage 3 between Rome and Chattanooga. Second-place finisher David Canada Gracia (Spain) of Saunier Duval took over the overall race lead.

While it seems that the favorites — Tyler Hamilton, Levi Leipheimer, Tom Danielson, Dave Zabriskie, Fred Rodriguez, and the list goes on — have been unable to make an impact on the race in the first two stages, their absence in Stage 3 is confounding. …

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Gianni Meersman

Discovery's Stage 3 winner at Tour de Georgia

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