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Live streaming of 2007 Giro d'Italia

I see that the website for the Versus cable network (formerly OLN) is providing live video and audio streaming of the 2007 Giro d'Italia this year in partnership with

That's great news for anyone who wants live coverage of this three-week-long classic.

Versus is offering the webcast for every stage of this year's Giro — May 12 – June 3 — except for the Sunday stages, which will be broadcast on cable TV as part of the Cyclysm Sunday programs.

This video streaming isn't free, however. Versus is charging $24.99 for the Giro and throwing in highlights of the Milan-San Remo. …

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Tour de Georgia bike race televised on Versus this weekend

The Tour de Georgia ended last weekend with a circuit race around Atlanta, but the action will be televised this Saturday and Sunday on the Versus sports network.

Formerly OLN (and still named that in Canada), the Versus cable network will broadcast Stages 1-4 on Saturday from 5-7 p.m. (ET) and Stages 5-7 on Sunday …

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How you can help the Bike Commuter Act

There are two ways you can help the national Bicycle Commuter Act, which would extend the transportation fringe benefit to include bike commuters.

The first way is to write your congressman. The League of American Bicyclists has prepared an easy way to contact your representatives in Washington DC via email regarding the issue.

The second way is to contact the Bicycle Commuter Act's author US Rep. Earl Blumenauer if you're familiar with bike commuter benefits and how they have been successfully implemented. …

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New Belgium is Colorado's most bike friendly employer

The Fort Collins, Colorado-based brewery that makes Fat Tire and other deliciously heady beverages has been voted the Bicycle Friendly Employer of the Year in the Rocky Mountain state.

New Belgium received the Bicycle Colorado “Bicycle Choice Award” at a gala celebration last week .

Among other things, the brewery gives workers free cruiser bikes after their first year and sponsors the Tour de Fat bike celebration in a number of cities. It also promotes bicycle commuting through the Team Wonderbike, which you have to check out if you bike to work or plan to do so. …

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New Belgium Brewery bike commute effort

Join the New Belgium Brewery Team Wonderbike contest by agreeing to bike to work at least once per month.

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2007 Giro d'Italia map and race highlights

This year's Giro d'Italia marks its 90th anniversary with a start on the island of Sardenia to honor the 200th birthday anniversary of Italian patriot Giuseppe Garibaldi.

The first of the year's three Grand Tours runs from May 12 through June 3, covering 2,134 miles on its way for the traditional finish in Milan.

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Amazingly expensive bicycle tours

Last week I wrote about the dumpster-diving bicyclist who has turned inexpensive bicycle touring into a science.

Conversely, there's the super-expensive bicycle tour in which corporate executives pay up to $30,000 and more for bike trips staffed with people to cater to their every whim.

One of those outfits is Destination Cycling. Founder Joe Tonon writes about the technological side of his bike tour business in Fortune magazine's Small Business section this month. …

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Destination Cycling paceline

A paceline of cyclists in one of Destination Cycling's bike tours.

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Basso sidelined from Discovery Channel, for now

The Discovery Channel pro cycling team did great at the Tour de Georgia without Italian cyclist Ivan Basso — 3 stage wins and the overall title. That might be a look of things for the near future.

The team on Wednesday asked Basso not to race pending a hearing into a new doping investigation by the Italian Olympic Committee. That casts an uncertain pall over his season; the Giro d'Italia is coming up in May and the Tour de France is in July.

It's that off-again on-again muddle started with Spain's Operacion  Puerto blood doping investigation that broke right before the 2006 Tour de France. …

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A cross-country bike tour blog that's highly recommended

Check out Bob Lee's “A Ride for 3 Reasons” blog if you want to follow a cross-country bicycle tour by a thoroughly engaging writer. That's not just me saying that; his blog was named “Cool Site of the Day” by digital goddess Kim Komando.

Lee is a 65-year-old cyclist who is presently working his way up the East Coast on the first leg of a 6,500-mile bike ride to raise funds for three charities — The American Cancer Society, The National Hospice Foundation, and The Les Turner ALS Foundation.

The colon cancer survivor from Barrington, Illinois, is filing almost daily posts with lots of images. He's got a keen eye for the land that he's passing through and doesn't seem reluctant to get off the bike and explore roadside attractions or talk with folks along the route. …

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