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A chamois creme that lubricates and fights bacteria and fungus

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Bag Balm

Cow udder treatment also good for saddle sores

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Saddle sores irritate cyclists

Tips to avoid

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April ride report — nearly in the groove

The other day I greeted a neighbor as I coasted into my driveway after a bike ride. We exchanged pleasantries, and I told her I'd just returned from a ride out May Valley Road.

“Oh, we don't bicycle out there anymore. It's too busy.” This from a woman who thinks nothing of heading off to Austria for a bike tour with her husband.

Mushrooming population on the eastside of Lake Washington has pushed up traffic on this road in the past 15 years. But for a johnny-come-lately like myself, it's still a fun, winding road for a spin. …

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May bicycling events — Bike to Work; Ride for Silence

You could say that the month of May is the beginning of the prime bicycling season. It's marked by two nationwide bicycling events:

The Ride for Silence on May 16 commemorates bicycle riders who have died or been injured while using public roads; and,

The Bike to Work Day on May 18 (May 17 in some locations) celebrates bicycle commuting and encourages all sizes and stripes of workers to ride their bike to work that day. …

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Ride of Silence

Logo for Ride of Silence to commemorate cyclists who have died on the road.

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Bike to Work Day in Seattle

Cascade Bicycle Club and Starbucks promoting Bike to Work Day in Seattle.

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Discovery cycling team says “Arrivederci Basso”

It looks like Levi Leipheimer is back in the driver's seat for the Discovery Channel pro cycling team after Italian cyclist Ivan Basso, left, asked to be released from his contract to fight doping allegations.

Leipheimer, of Santa Rosa, California, was considered to be the next team boss until Basso came on board last fall. Basso rode in support of Leipheimer during the latter's successful Amgen Tour of California in February, as the Italian cyclist was preparing to win the Giro d'Italia and the Tour de France.

A reopened doping investigation in Italy, however, has prompted Basso to drop his Discovery contract. …

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Cyclist on May Valley Road

Rural road is busier than 10 years ago, but still popular with cyclists in the eastern 'burbs of Seattle.

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Bicycle saddle style, riding position and male impotence

Erectile dysfunction in bicyclists is as much about riding position as it is about the saddle, say two urologists who have studied the problem.

Many male cyclists who have suffered this numbing sensation down below may already have come to this conclusion. But now we have proof from two researchers at Boston University who used digital three-dimensional modeling.

A report in UroToday says the two, J. M. Gemery and S. K. Reid, concluded that cyclists who lean far forward eliminate most of the benefits of using a bicycle saddle with a groove down the middle. …

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