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Five new bicycle friendly cities; one bicycle unfriendly man

Congratulations to the five new cities added to the League of American Bicyclists list of Bicycle Friendly Communities.

The League announced that Austin and San Luis Obispo were added to the silver level on the list, and LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Park City and Salt Lake City, Utah, were added to the bronze level in the latest round of awards.

Cities on the list get there by proving that they provide safe accommodations for cycling and encourage their residents to bicycle for commuting and fun. …

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Texas closer to requiring 3-foot gap to pass cyclists

Looks like 3 feet

Texas is getting closer to joining a handful of states that require motorists to give bicyclists at least a 3-foot gap when they pass.

The Texas Senate tentatively approved a bill on Tuesday that not only requires the 3-foot gap on two-lane roads, but yielding a full lane to bicycles on four-lane roads.

But just to put cyclists back in their place, the senators also approved an amendment that eliminated the mandatory passing distance requirement on two-lane roads without paved shoulders, because — as Republican Sen. Kim Brimer is quoted — “Bicyclists don't belong on those roads.” …

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A good 3 feet

Texas closer to joining states that require 3-foot clearance — Dallas Morning News.

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Cycling fan dies in Georgia

Tour de Georgia cycling fan Thomas Kinnebrew has died from the injuries he suffered in a crash on Brasstown Bald.

The 53-year-old man from Helena, Arkansas, lost control of his bike as he rode down the mountain road after the April 20 stage and crashed into a rock embankment, according to a story in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Rescue workers …

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What Adventure Cycling Association says about tornadoes

As you can see from the NOAA map at left, any cross-country bike route is going to take cyclists through the so-called Tornado Alley.

When I was researching yesterday's article on “Bicycle touring safety in Tornado Alley,” I asked the Adventure Cycling Association, which publishes maps covering 36,000 miles of bicycle routes in the US, what they suggest.

Julie Emnet, Adventure Cycling's development director, has this advice: 

“Generally, you can see bad weather and potential tornadoes from a long distance away …

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Tornado risk map from NOAA

See more about tornado activity at NOAA website.

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Who's not competing in 2007 Giro d'Italia

Maybe the biggest news about this year's Giro d'Italia — starting Saturday — isn't who is riding in it, but who isn't.

American cyclist Tyler Hamilton, fresh off a two-year suspension for doping, is not on the starting roster released Monday. Also last year's winner, Ivan Basso, won't be returning to protect his title.

Both have been caught up in …

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Guinness shoots down that stationary bicycling record attempt

Last January, I wrote about how George Hood of Illinois set a mark for the Guinness World Records Book by cycling for 85 straight hours on a stationary bicycle.

Unfortunately, Hood recently found out that the Guinness folks invalidated the entry because of sloppy record-keeping. …

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Another idol falls; Basso comes clean on doping involvement

Italian cycling star Ivan Basso has told prosecutors that he was involved in the Operacion Puerto blood doping scandal.

Update: May 8, 2007 — At a press conference, Basso said the blood was his but he never used it. “It was only attempted blood doping.” See more at CyclingNews.

Basso, until last week a member of the Discovery Channel cycling team, met with Italian anti-doping investigator Ettore Torri and agreed …

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Bicycle touring safety in Tornado Alley

The tornado that quite literally wiped Greensburg, Kansas, off the map on Friday struck about 50 miles south of Larned, one of the longed-for stops on the TransAmerica bicycle route across the Great Plains.

While our hearts go out to those suffering in the twister's aftermath, let's consider some ways to stay safe in tornado country while pedaling through on bicycle tours.

First, the safest locations touted for shelter during tornadoes might not be available to bicyclists out on the open road. Time and again, the experts say that if you're caught out in the open during a tornado, the safest place to be is lying flat in a ditch or low area. …

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