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Happy bike commuter

One of thousands of bicycle commuters at 2007 Bike to Work Day.

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Landis drug hearing; LeMond charges witness intimidation

Floyd Landis wanted a full and open hearing to defend the accusations that he doped during the Tour de France so the public could judge the veracity of the evidence against him.

What viewers got on Thursday was a tawdry peep show that had little relevance to the accusations, but revealed much about the depths that each side would sink to gain an advantage.

It happened when three-time Tour de France winner Greg LeMond was called to testify about a phone call he'd had with Landis soon after the doping allegations surfaced last year. …

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Seattle Bike to Work Day forecast: wear layers

It looks like Friday's Bike to Work Day weather forecast in the Puget Sound calls for sunny skies with a 100% chance of spinning bike tires.

You can check for weather updates here (and this being Seattle, I encourage it), but there's no rain forecast until early Saturday. Temperatures range from a low of around 45 Friday morning to highs in the 60s during the day with increasing clouds.

If you plan to join the projected 10,000 people who will bike to work on Friday in the Puget Sound area, here are some things to check…..

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Forster wins stage; Di Luca retains Giro d'Italia lead

The Giro d'Italia returned to a bike race for the sprinters on Thursday as Germany's Robert Forster (Gerolsteiner) won by charging out the pack and holding off Thor Hushovd in Frascati.

Italian cyclist Danilo Di Luca held onto the pink leader's jersey; cyclists for the Liquigas team have held onto the overall lead for the entire bike race so far.

The 107-mile Stage 5 routed the peloton from Teano to the outskirts of Rome with a fairly level course that saw just one climb. …

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Tip your helmet to these notable San Francisco bike commuters

The San Francisco Bay Area celebrates Bike to Work Day today. I'm struck by a group of remarkable bike commuters and especially one in particular.

She is Kerri Kazala, 47, of Mill Valley who pedals 50 to 60 miles a day roundtrip to her job at a medical treatment center in Daly City.

She is one of nine bike commuters honored from each of the Bay Area's nine counties as Bike Commuters of the Year. More about those bicycle commuters and San Francisco Bay Area Bike to Work Day is available at the website. …

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SF Bay Bike to Work Day

Bay Area Bikes

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Floyd Landis trial now live and on replay — really

The US Anti-Drug Agency vs. Floyd Landis is now available in live video streaming and with video replays of previous testimony.

Simply, follow this link to the Floyd Landis case website, then follow the instructions there. On Wednesday, viewers were directed to a login page at Courtroom View Network where they logged one using a “Username” and “Password” provided on the Floyd Landis website.

I'm not repeating the username and password here, because they're different than the ones offered initially on Monday and might change again. However, problems encountered on Monday appear to be resolved. …

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Di Luca for the stage win and overall lead at Giro d'Italia

Danilo Di Luca prevailed on the 10-mile climb into Montevergine Di Mercogliano at the end of a rain-slicked, 95-mile Stage 4 of the Giro d'Italia on Wednesday.

The Italian was in a group of 20 that battled up the curvy mountain road, and he attacked Riccardo Ricco, Damiano Cunego and other noted climbers in the last 600 feet for the win.

His Liquigas teammate, Enrico Gasparotto, lost the pink jersey to Di Luca after going down in one of the many crashes that marked the rainy stage that started in Salerno. …

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Seattle: Ad campaign says “Give 3 feet” to bicycles

You may have already seen this ad popping up on billboards and buses in the Puget Sound region asking motorists to give cyclists 3 feet of space when passing.

It's an awareness campaign aimed at motorists and funded in part by a federal grant given to the Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation in 2006.

Several states, Texas is the latest, have put the 3-foot clearance law in the books. But the state of Washington has had it in another book for awhile, the Washington State Driver's Guide. …

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Three feet poster

New campaign in Seattle.

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