Author's posts

Doctor’s orders: No bicycling for at least five days

As you can imagine, I was a bit surprised when my doctor told me to stay off the bicycle for five days.

Bicycling keeps my resting heart rate below 60, it has beat my family's history of high blood pressure, and it makes me happy and sane.

The problem was that my prostate specific antigen (PSA) tests have been running a little “hot” lately. They've been creeping up, and my general practitioner recommended I see a urologist to follow up. When that specialist learned that I ride 75 to 100 miles a week, he ordered me off the bike for at least 5 days until I get another blood test for PSA…..

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Fast Freddie Rodriguez abandons Tour de France; other Americans' standings

US cyclist Freddie Rodriguez dropped out of the Tour de France bike on Monday's Stage 15, the second stage in the Pyrenees.

The US sprinter on the Predictor-Lotto team had been nursing injuries he received in crashes on Stages 2 and 11. He was critical of Tour organizers for approving courses that had difficult turns leading into the finish lines.

The 33-year-old Emeryville, California, resident is the second American to drop out of this year's Tour. David Zabriskie of Team CSC was disqualified when he missed the Stage 11 time cut. He'd been suffering from a sore knee…

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Cycling union president wants this man stopped

International Cycling Union president Patrick McQuaid says he wants someone besides current leader Michael Rasmussen, right, to win the Tour de France.

“From an image point of view, it would be better if it was not Rasmussen but one of the youngest riders winning the Tour,” McQuaid told reporters. Hmmm. Youngest rider. How about 24-year-old Alberto Contador of the Discovery Channel team? He's Number 2 overall.

Maybe the French customs officials were trying to help out McQuaid when they raided team buses for Rabobank, Discovery Channel, Astana and CSC on Monday. No official word on what, if anything, was found….

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No bking for me

One week off the bike

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Vino wins stage in Pyrenees; Rasmussen-Contador widen their margin

Alexander Vinokourov tore apart the Tour de France peloton again on Monday, going out on an early breakaway and winning a stage in the Pyrenees with five hard climbs.

Race leader Michael Rasmussen and Alberto Contador extended their dominance over the rest of the field, as Contador attacked the yellow jersey at least five times on the final climb over the Col de Peyresourde but couldn't shake the Dane.

With the 122-mile 15th stage from Foix to Loudenvielle behind them, the racers rest on Tuesday before tackling one more stage in the Peyrenees. It's one more stage where Discovery Channel's Contador will have another chance at unseating Rasmussen. Then its three days of relatively flat stages until Saturday's penultimate stage, another individual time trial…

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Edwards to ride RAGBRAI, Armstrong speaks, blogs report

Democractic hopeful John Edwards became the first candidate in the 2008 presidential race to declare his intention to ride a bicycle with Lance Armstrong at RAGBRAI.

The US senator from North Carolina, and 2006 VP candidate, said he'll join Armstrong in Hampton on Wednesday on the ride to Cedar Falls, the location of an evening fund-raiser concert for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

Sure, Edwards is probably looking for some support in the Iowa caucuses coming up early in 2008. But his wife, Elizabeth, suffers from breast cancer and the couple say they admire Armstrong for surviving cancer and his efforts to call attention to the disease …

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First week report card on Paris bike rental service

It looks like a pretty good first week for the Paris bicycle rental program, although there have been a couple of bumps along the way.

Parisians are renting an average 45,000 bicycles a day in the city's plan to reduce automobile use and clean up the air. The so-called Vélib' program (named for a combination of velo and liberte) has 10,000 bicycles placed around the city in 750 self-service stations.

A major problem? All the bikes end up at the bottom of the hills because no one wants to ride up. ….

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Kiosks for Paris bike rentals

Velib bike rental program underway in Paris. Velib website

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Contador-Rasmussen at finish; Rasmussen-Contador in overall lead

Discovery Channel's Alberto Contador rode into second place in the Tour de France on Sunday alongside Michael Rasmussen, who protected his yellow jersey against the other challengers.

With the pre-race favorites strung out down the Plateau de Beille on Sunday, Contador crossed the finish line just ahead of Rasmussen. The two combined to knock back Australian Cadel Evans, who started the day in second place but dropped back to third.

Although Discovery's Levi Leipheimer was dropped about half-way up the final climb, he gained ground on just about everyone else, finishing fourth on the day and moving into fourth place overall….

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Alberto Contador

Discovery Channel cyclist. Spain. Wins stage 14 in Tour de France to place second overall.

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