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Matching donations for membership drive

Chris Kostman of AdventureCORPS offers matching donations for LA County Bicycle Coalition membership drive

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Hyak to Easton: Bicycling the high & dry side of the John Wayne Pioneer Trail

Most of us bicycling on the rail-trail through Iron Horse State Park in Washington limit ourselves to the 20-some miles between Cedar Falls and the 2.3-mile Snoqualmie Tunnel at Hyak.

The John Wayne Pioneer Trail doesn't stop at Hyak, however. It continues eastward through Washington to the Idaho border.

Recently I rode the 20-mile section from Hyak to beyond Easton to learn more about the trail east of the Snoqualmie Tunnel.

This is the high and dry side of the Cascades. …

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Update: Threat to federal funding for bicycling improvements averted

Update: Sept. 15 — US. Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) has backed off on his plans to block a Transportation funding bill.

His opposition would have threatened funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects, as well as force a shutdown of the FAA and airports.

Coburn opposed the transportation funding measure because of enhancements that go to bike paths and other roadside improvements — about 2% of the total appropriation.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) made the announcement on the Senate floor Thursday night. He had previously said that Coburn was acting “like a dictator.” …

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11 more cities designated as “bicycle friendly”

If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again.

That was the strategy for New Orleans as it improved its habitat for bicyclists and joined the list of 11 cities to achieve Bicycle Friendly status from the League of American Bicyclists in the fall of 2011.

The road wasn't easy for the Big Easy, which had finished with only an honorable mention for three straight years.

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu told the Times-Picayune that the city had quadrupled its miles of bikeways since Katrina.

Also, 14 cities renewed their Bike Friendly status, including Redmond, Wash., which improved to silver….

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Big Apple announces big plans for bike-sharing;
It will promote more bicycling in the city

Now that New York City is finally getting on the bandwagon with a bike-sharing system, I suppose we'll soon be hearing a lot more about the advantages of substituting short auto trips with bike trips. That's a good thing.

Of course, some media outlets are already raising fear and loathing about the launch of the bike-sharing system announced Wednesday with 10,000 bikes operating from 600 bike stations in the summer of 2012. Turf wars are expected where bike kiosks could take up room on sidewalks, just as bike lanes sparked a debate earlier this year.

The Wall Street Journal points out the system “could dramatically expand the already growing number of bicyclists in New York City.”

Could? It would …

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“No idle” cyclist Jay Petervary finishes 3rd challenge in record time

A cyclist from Idaho hasn't been idle this year as he finished three endurance challenges to call attention to pollution caused by idling car engines.

On Monday, Jay Petervary completed the Tour Divide ITT (individual time trial) in the record time of 17 days, 9 hours and 1 minute.

That's Petervary at left with his 32-pound Tour Divide rig at his Facebook page.

The 2,745-mile bike ride from Banff, Alberta, to Antelope Wells, New Mexico, was his third endurance challenge this year. …

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Jay Petervary

Endurance cyclist Jay Petervary and the rig he used in the Tour Divide ITT. From his Facebook page.

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Two more bicycle traffic fatalities in western Washington; victims identified

A man delivering sandwiches by bicycle in Seattle's University District was struck by a left-turning driver and killed on Saturday, and a woman on a bicycle near Port Angeles was struck from behind and killed by a motorist on Sunday.

The two became the fourth and fifth bicycle traffic fatalities in western Washington since late July.

My memory might be faulty, but I don't remember a summer so devastating to people who ride bicycles here in the 11 years since I moved to the area. …

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Five fatalities in summer of 2011


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Now that your summer bicycle travels are over …

Fall is here, and it's time to tie up some loose ends from your summer bicycle tours.

The Adventure Cycling Association is seeking nominations to give recognition to people or groups who contribute to the success of bicycle travel in its annual Bicycle Travel Awards. Can you think of a person or group that made your bike tour better?

The non-profit also is asking bicycle travelers to submit amazing photos, above, from their tours for the 3rd annual Bicycle Travel Photo Contest. What award-winning photos did you take on your trek this past year?

The annual Bicycle Travel Awards cover four categories …..

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