Author's posts

“One in a hundred” day for a bike ride

Once every winter the rain stops, the winds die down, the clouds part and the sun shines. Every few years that day falls on a weekend.

I exaggerate, but only slightly. Sunday was such a day in Seattle. After several weeks of nearly daily rain and drizzle, the sun shone in the Puget Sound area and temperatures rose to the low 50s.

The weather drew lots of bicyclists outdoors. Lots of their bikes had fenders and buddy flaps. Those machines looked kind of grungy. I figure those folks would have been riding Sunday anyway — rain or shine…

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Steep climb

Climbing up the bluff at Mount Baker neighborhood in Seattle on rare sunny day.

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The Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Around Iowa chose the water tower for its logo this year. More details at RAGBRAI website.

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Fastest way to get around Vegas at CES? Bicycle

While the big suits of the electronics industry waited in traffic in their limos, taxis and rented cars last week, analyst Roger Kay found the easiest way to get around Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show was by bike.

The first thing Kay did when he landed in Las Vegas was rent a Cannondale mountain bike, which he used to speed from his hotel to meetings or to the convention floor.

CES is spread out between two convention sites (including the Sands Expo Center, home of Interbike) and dozens of hotels where industry gurus take meetings. Instead of spending up to an hour waiting for buses, taxies or just plain walking, Kay made the rounds on his bicycle…

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Roger Kay at CES

Roger Kay used a bicycle to get around the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last week. LA Times.

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Bike ride costs Virginian a $1,050 fine

You might find the name Kajuan Cornish in more bicycling stories than that of Floyd Landis or Lance Armstrong for the next few days.

A judge in Newport News, Virginia, ordered the 19-year-old man to pay a $1,050 fine for recklessly riding his bicycle across an intersection during rush hour.

Virginia has an abusive driver law that charges fines against drivers with egregious traffic offenses. Even before this incident, the governor said the fees had failed and called on the legislature to repeal them…

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Interbike Outdoor Demo visits East Coast

Bicycle retailers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states can see and rides lots of new bikes without having  to travel to Las Vegas to participate in the Interbike Outdoor Demo next fall.

The trade show is inaugurating the Outdoor Demo East from 9 to 5 on Oct. 21 and 22 at the Roger Williams Park in Providence, R.I., this year to serve retailers on the East Coast.

It follows the annual Interbike show in Las Vegas, with the Outdoor Demo in Bootleg Canyon slated for Sept. 22-23 and the big show at the Sands Expo and Convention Center on Sept. 24-26…

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Adventure Cycling offers one-day bike tour maps

The group that published the TransAmerica Bicycle Route maps more than 30 years ago is launching a map program for day-trip loops off its Underground Railroad Bicycle Route.

The first one — Freedom's Landing, Ripley, Ohio — is available free online at the Adventure Cycling Association website and in area bike stores and tourist stops.

In addition to being a great resource for recreational bicycle riders, the day-trip program encourages local bike clubs or other groups along the Underground Railroad Bicycle Route to create their own maps that Adventure Cycling will promote and post on its website….

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California bike charity continues after founder's death

It's good to know that Mark Blum's Mission With Bikes did not fade away when he died in October.

Members of several churches in Ventura County, California, have stepped forward to continue repairing and finding worthwhile homes for the donated bicycles.

Blum founded Mission With Bikes in 1996 and had repaired and given away some 3,000 bicycles worldwide by the time he died at age 54 from complications from multiple sclerosis …

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Portion of day-trip map

Adventure Cycling Association releases its first day-trip map.

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