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Nevada's 3-foot bicycle passing measure becomes law

Nevada will become the 19th state on Saturday to require that motorists give bicyclists at least 3 feet of space when passing.

Cyclists will celebrate the measure with the “3 Sweet Feet” bicycle ride between the Reno and Sparks city halls that day to draw attention to the new law.

In addition, a “vulnerable users” law that smacks harsher penalties on motorists who cause injury to bicyclists or pedestrians also goes into effect on Saturday, Oct. 1.

Three-foot laws were enacted earlier this year in Kansas and Georgia. Further, a 3-foot passing bill has been approved by the California …

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How serious is urban pollution for bicyclists?

Here's an irony if you commute by bicycle through city streets to improve your health:

A research paper says London bicycle commuters have 2.3-times more black carbon — soot — in their lungs than their pedestrian counterparts.

Bicyclists have long assumed they might be inhaling a little urban pollution when a bus passes by or they get stuck behind a fume-belching delivery van at a stop light.

Now the London-based researchers have put a number on it in a paper presented …

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Cyclist in traffic

Newest hazard for cyclists… black lung.

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Cycle Oregon volunteer still missing after two weeks

Bicyclists will gather for a bike ride this weekend in Portland to help raise awareness about the heart-wrenching disappearance of a Cycle Oregon volunteer two weekends ago.

Mark Bosworth, 54, was last seen leaving a tent area in the host city of Riddle the evening of Sept. 16. He was reported missing the next morning after his tent was empty.

At the time, friends said Bosworth appeared disoriented at times and complained of headaches, although he responded he was “just fine.”

Details about his disappearance and search efforts can be found at Also, check out the FindMark Facebook page.

Cycling luminaries Greg Lemond and Lance Armstrong recently helped spread the word …

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Mark Bosworth

Mark Bosworth, 54, of Portland disappeared without a trace on Sept. 17 while volunteering for Cycle Oregon near the town of Riddle.

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10 longest rails-to-trails for bicycling in the US

A funny thing happened on my way to updating this list of the 10 longest rail-trails in the US — I learned that not all the trails are suitable for bicycles.

Of the 10 longest rail-to-trail conversions listed at the Rails to Trails Conservancy, 2 are established for ATV's only and another is used as a scenic railroad with no adjacent path.

A few others are surfaced with ballast, which can make bicycle pedaling a little dicey.

The longest rail-to-trail list is compiled by the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. The non-profit has helped states, communities and volunteer groups turn 19,872 miles of abandoned railroad tracks into trails ….

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Bicycle commuting rates in Washington, Oregon and Idaho

The US Census Bureau has released the bicycle commuting rates for 2010. See “Bicycle commuting down slightly, but big cities make gains” for more information about the American Community Survey.


Seattle — 3.6%
Bellingham — 3.0%
Spokane  — 1.8%
Bellevue — 1.4%
Vancouver — 1.1%
Tacoma  — 0.8%
Kent — 0.6%
Everett — 0.4%
Spokane Valley — 0.3%


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Bicycle commuting down slightly, but big cities make gains

Fewer people traveled to work by bicycle in 2010 than the year before, the US Census Bureau reports, although bicycle use has skyrocketed over the past decade.

Data in the American Community Survey released recently show that 731,286 Americans used a bicycle as a primary source of transportation for commuting last year; that's down 4% from the previous year.

In the 70 largest cities, however, bicycle use rose 1% in the past year. More than half of those 70 largest cities have been judged as bicycle friendly cities by the League of American Bicyclists.

Car-pooling and public transportation also experienced slight drops ….

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“Manx Missile” Mark Cavendish wins Worlds bicycle championship

The winningest pro cyclist in recent years is adding the rainbow jersey to his wardrobe of green, yellow, red and pink jerseys.

Great Britain's Mark Cavendish won the sprint finish in the world road race championship on Sunday in Rudersdahl, Denmark.

That means he'll wear the rainbow strips of the UCI world champion throughout the 2012 season. Australia's Matt Goss finished second with  Andre Greipel (Germany) in third.

This being the world championships, the 200-some cyclists represented their countries …

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Bicycles roll out for global Moving Planet rallies

When you call for a rally to support alternatives to burning fossil fuels, you can expect people on bicycles to get involved.

That's what happened Saturday when thousands of bicyclists participated in Moving Planet rallies held across the US and around the planet.

Clean energy demonstrations took place in all 50 states in the US and 175 nations — some 2,000 rallies in all. The day of protest was coordinated by, a climate awareness nonprofit.

Photos posted on's Facebook page from such diverse locations …

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