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Kristy Gough and Matt Peterson will be remembered by friends, family and fellow cyclists during a memorial bike ride through Stevens Creek Canyon in Cupertino on Saturday.
The bike ride has been organized jointly by their two teams, Team Roaring Mouse Cycles (Peterson) and Third Pillar Racing Team (Gough). Riders will meet at Foothill College, 12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos, at 2:30 for a 3 p.m. departure. They'll visit the crash site to share memories about the two before returning.
Meanwhile, a memorial service is scheduled for Matt Peterson at 7 p.m. at the Sports Basement, 1590 Bryant Street, San Francisco. As with the bike ride, everyone is invited.
You can check more updates and leave comments at two websites; Remembering Matt and Kristy Gough at Third Pillar Racing.
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Founder of Trek Bicycle died at age 73.
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Moon Dog is guy who rides his bike around Wheeling, WVA, and participates in parades.
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Some pretty famous sports figures have been celebrated as bobblehead dolls. I don't know of any cyclists who have been honored this way except for Italy's Fausto Coppi.
Now there's another.
The Wheeling Nailers hockey team is honoring “Moon Dog,” a local character who's known for riding his flag-festooned bicycle around town and appearing in local parades.
The first 2,500 fans who go to see the “AA” Wheeling, West Virginia, affiliate of the Flyers and Penguins play on March 22 will get their very own Moon Dog Mini-Bobblehead. …
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Update: Deputy had a driving record
Friends and teammates of fallen cyclists Matt Peterson and Kristy Gough are planning services and bicycle rides in their memories. A ride for Kristy is being put together for the Napa Valley and a memorial service is in the planning stages for Matt later this week in the San Francisco Bay area.
You can visit a new website, Remembering Matt, to find details on the service and leave a comment about him.
After reading and writing about the senseless tragedy that took Matt and Kristy, I headed out on a ride to remind myself that cycling is supposed to be fun. I had just oiled up the bike and rode harder than I usually do. The exertion helped blow off the anger and frustration that I felt about the situation for cyclists using our roads …
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Two cyclists were struck and killed by a Santa Clara County Sheriff's deputy whose vehicle crossed a double-yellow line on Sunday.
Dead are Kristy Gough, 31, of Oakland, and Matt Peterson, 30, of San Francisco. The highly ranked amateur cyclists (Gough was a pro triathlete as well) were in a group of at least four that were riding on Stevens Pass Road, a popular road for cyclists.
Peterson died at the scene and Gough died after being airlifted to Stanford University Hospital. According to news reports, dozens of cyclists gathered there …
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Killed in California collision on March 9
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Pro triathlete killed in California March 9
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One of the longest-running week-long bicycle tours is seeking a new operator to breathe new life into the Cycle Across Maryland.
The statewide bicycle advocacy group One Less Car has been running CAM Tour for most of this decade, but has concluded that the event — which celebrates its 20th year in 2008 — is taking too much time away from its advocacy role.
After hearing that this was going to be the final year One Less Car would organize the event, I called executive director Richard Chambers to find out if another group was stepping in. Not yet.
“We don't want it to die,” he said. “We want someone to take it on. It needs a couple of people who can put a lot of time and effort into it to make it a real success.” …
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Pin from 1997 Cycle Across Maryland.
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