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Bike powered grain crusher

A bike is mounted on a stand that holds a grain crusher. Rowan University wants to make an easy to built grain crusher for developing countries. See press release.

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Color-coded bicycling: Red in Tempe, green in Portland and Seattle

The city of Tempe is launching an experiment to paint bike lanes red at intersections to caution motorists to look out for bicycles.

Portland has chosen the color green and will be repainting all of its blue bike lanes to the new color on the maintenance schedule. Seattle plans to paint bike lanes at four intersections green this spring as an experiment to see if that will prevent right hook collisions.

Meanwhile, Portland has begun installing green bike boxes at 14 intersections to intensify its efforts to prevent right hook collisions …

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Bike boxes in Portland

Bicycles get to pull ahead of cars at bike boxes in Portland, enabling them to avoid “right hook” collisions at intersections. See Portland Office of Transportation.

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Bicycling through history: Elliott Farm

Racing past old Elliott Farm

As much fun as bicycling is for me, I feel like I'm pedalling into a rut sometimes by going over the same old bike routes.

It occurred to me that perhaps if I look more closely at the roadside scenery and delve into the history of the places I'm passing, maybe it will give me a new perspective and freshen up my rides.

Take these old farm buildings for instance. I must have passed these more than 100 times on  rides I've taken out or back the Cedar River Trail in Renton. They might look like run down, abanonded farm buildings, but they are something more …

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New subdivision abuts old farm

Elliott farm buildings in Renton

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A cyclist races past Elliott Farm

Old farm buildings once marked a modern dairy operation in Cedar River valley near Renton.

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Elliott Farm in Renton

The old dairy farm after the cows moved out in the late 1990s.

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Slipstream and High Road cycling teams in 2008 Tour de France

Slipstream/Chipotle's distinctive argyle jerseys will be seen at the 2008 Tour de France as organizers announced the 20 teams that will compete July 5 to 27.

Team High Road, the former T-Mobile team that relocated to the US this year, will also compete in the three-week long race through France.

Those choices mean that Slipstream's David Zabriskie and Christian Vande Velde (both formerly of CSC) and High Road's George Hincapie (formerly of Discovery) will likely compete in the race this year.

Unwilling to back down in a long-simmering feud with the UCI, ASO did not invite the Astana cycling team, which means no Tour de France for last year's champion, Alberto Contador, or No. 3, US's Levi Leipheimer …

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Car-bike crashes vs. accidents

The San Jose Mercury News published a map showing the location of bicycle fatalities in Santa Clara County over the past 10 years. It's a sobering document. There are more than 40 markers pinpointing the location of cyclists' deaths.

What I found interesting from a broader perspective was that not once did the reporter, Leslie Griffy, refer to “accidents” in the story. In each and every instance, she refered to “crashes.” Good job.

Using the word “accident” to refer to a car-bike collision or crash is so common in newspaper stories that it's glaring in its absence …

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South Dakota cyclists form state-wide advocacy group

The South Dakota Bicycle Coalition is the newest organization in the U.S. aimed at improving the lives of the bicycling public.

About 30 cyclists from across the state met earlier this month to create a group that will focus on making bicycling safer in South Dakota, improve road conditions for bicycle riders and help people overcome obstacles to cycling.

First order of business: sending a letter to encourage the South Dakota Department of Transportation Railroad Board to save a railroad bridge over the Cheyenne River for railbanking. Eventually it could be used in a rails-to-trails project. …

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