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Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail bed

Future home of commuter rail and bike path? Western Washington near Seattle.

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Portland goes Platinum — bicycle friendly-wise

Portland has become the first large US city to achieve the Platinum-level as a Bicycle Friendly Community, following only Davis, California, with the designation. The announcement was made Tuesday by the League of American Bicyclists.

Congratulations go to a wide group of activists, politicians, bureaucrats and even the local bike blogger who kept their eyes on the prize in recent years and helped push bicycling into the mainstream of the city's transportation and culture.

Let's hope it gives bicycling enthusiasts elsewhere the incentive to do the work to get their cities added to the list of Bicycle Friendly Cities that currently stands at 72 …

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Platinum Portland

Portland receives highest Bicycle Friendly award.

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5 ways to spend that tax rebate with bicycling in mind

If you filed a 2007 tax return, and I hope you did, you'll be receiving an economic stimulus tax rebate one of these days soon. Consider bicycling when you're thinking about ways to spend that money.

The rebates are $600 for an individual, $1,200 for a couple and an additional $300 per child.

The economists are worried that people will use the rebates to offset the higher costs of gasoline, thus benefitting the oil companies. We know that nothing sticks it to Big Oil like riding a bicycle.

If you don't want to put that check into savings, I came up with a few ideas on spending it on your bike:

1. Take a fully loaded bicycle tour. If you have the proper gear, you can roll right down the driveway and be on your way …

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Six surprises at the 2008 Tour de Georgia

The 2008 Tour de Georgia bike race certainly didn't follow any script.

It was full of surprises. Among them:

1. Fifty-one US cyclists rode in the 120-man peloton.

–Not one US cyclist won a stage. Not one US cyclist wore the yellow jersey. (Jason McCartney of CSC did win KOM.)

Interestingly, when Slipstream-Chipotle — a team with 8 US cyclists — won the Stage 4 Team Time Trial, it was Australian Trent Lowe who crossed the finish line first. That's how he ended up in the yellow jersey after the next stage.

2. The peloton hosted two former Tour de Georgia champions and many veteran contenders, including the winners of February's Tour of California and last fall's Tour of Missouri.

— It was 25-year-old Kanstantin Sivtsov, right,  from Belarus who made the decisive move on Brasstown Bald on Saturday. He passed 23-year-old Trent Lowe and 10-year cycling pro Levi Leipheimer to capture the stage and eventually the Tour.

3. Team High Road dominated the Tour, with three stage wins and four yellow jerseys.

— If you had told me that before the race, I would have expected South Carolina's George Hincapie to be wearing the yellow jersey …

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Kanstantin Sivtsov

Kanstantin Sivtsov of Belarus won the 2008 Tour de Georgia as a member of Team High Road.

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Swipe this bicycle in Washington DC… with a card

That bike-sharing rental program called SmartBike DC is set to start next month in the nation's capital with 120 bicycles available at 10 spots around the city.

Operated by the Clear Channel outdoor advertising company, it's the first such project in the US and will be similar to other advertising-based bike rental programs in Paris, Lyon, Rennes and Barcelona, Spain. London is expected to get on board by 2010.

San Francisco will host a SmartBike program in the future, and Clear Channel is negotiating in Chicago and Portland …

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Sivtsov, not Lowe, leads Tour de Georgia after Stage 6

I committed a real “Dewey Defeats Truman” blunder at Biking Bis on Saturday when I named Trent Lowe at the overall leader of the Tour de Georgia following the Brasstown Bald stage.

It was Kanstantin Sivtsov (Belarus) of Team High Road who actually captured the overall lead after powering ahead of Trent Lowe and Levi Leipheimer in the final yards on the mountain.

I had listened to and watched the video stream of the end of the final stage, rushed to file a story on the results, then logged off for the day as I undertook to catch up on my one-person parenting duties while my wife is out of town. Big mistake….

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SmartBike DC bicycle

Very distinctive style. Note the smaller front wheel. Clear Channel advertising company's SmartBike DC bicycle.

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Trent Lowe

Slipstream cyclist Trent Lowe leads Tour de Georgia

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