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Map of California Roads for Cyclers

See much greater detail at Big Map Blog.

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California Bike Map circa 1896

Detail from Blum's Bicycle Map of California, 1896. Full map at the Big Map Blog.

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Early announcements for 2012 state bicycle tours

The Argus Leader essentially opened the 2012 across-state bicycle tour season this weekend with its South Dakota route announcement for Tour de Kota.

It might seem a little early to be planning for a mass bicycle event in 2012, but several of the more popular week-long rides have announced their dates, although not their routes.

RAGBRAI, Ride the Rockies, Biking Across Kansas, Cycle Oregon and Oregon Bicycle Ride (OBR) all have announced their 2012 tour dates; the OBR organizers also have announced a rare Montana Bicycle Ride in 2012.

Meanwhile, the nonprofit Adventure Cycling Association has announced a full slate …

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Fighting cancer by bicycle; 4,300 ride and run at Livestrong as 4 complete TransAmerica

Two extreme examples of how to raise money for cancer research are evident this weekend.

In Austin, 4,300 bicyclists and runners are participating in the Team Livestrong Challenge this weekend. Together, they raised $2.3 million for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

Meanwhile, in Roanoke, Virginia, four men rolled into town on their bicycles after completing a 3,467-mile cross country tour called Roll Over Cancer (above right). They raised about $18,000 along the way to give to Stand Up to Cancer.

A tip of my cap to all of them.

The Austin event dates back to 1997 ….

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Roll Over Cancer bike tour

Four men complete cross country ride in 41 days. See Roll Over Cancer website.

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Wheels of justice: $42 fine in Kirkland bicyclist death

The driver of a pickup truck who struck and killed a bicyclist in Kirkland in July will be fined $42 for improperly changing lanes.

Kirkland police told KIRO.TV news that they determined there was no reason to charge the 18-year-old driver with vehicular homicide, even though the teen apparently swerved onto the shoulder when he hit the man on the bicycle.

“Unfortunately, unless a person's driving recklessly, they're intoxicated, (on) drugs or alcohol, then there's really no criminal charge to this,” …

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Around-the-world bicycle race rolls out of London next year

Any argument over which is the “most epic” bicycle race should end in February 2012.

That's when about 20 cyclists will roll out of London on the 18,000-mile Global Bicycle Race.

They're aiming to beat the time of Englishman Vin Cox, left, who set the current Guinness World Record of 163 days, 6 hours and 58 minutes in 2010.

Cox is organizing this around-the-world bicycle race, set to start on Feb. 18. That date was picked so the winner and new record-holder will be showing up in London just as the 2012 Summer Olympics gets underway.

I don't use the term epic lightly, but this bicycle race certainly qualifies. …

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Cle Elum to Thorp: Bicycling the Upper Yakima River Canyon on John Wayne Pioneer Trail

As the John Wayne Pioneer Trail leaves the high Cascades and heads southeast from Cle Elum, it enters the Upper Yakima River Canyon.

It was an unexpected scenic treasure on my explorations by bicycle between trail heads in the Iron Horse State Park this fall.

I expected a dusty, exposed route across flat prairie on this segment between Cle Elum and Thorp. Instead, the rail-trail follows the meandering Yakima River as it cuts through ancient volcanic rock on its way to the Columbia River.

My 41-mile bicycling loop started at South Cle Elum …

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Six more college campuses are “bicycle friendly”: GM launches counter-move

There are six more colleges in the US where students are finding it easier to ride and store their bicycles.

The League of American Bicyclists expanded its list of Bicycle Friendly Universities to 26 across the US this week.

Meanwhile, the League points out that General Motors has launched a counter-move.

Its “Stop Pedaling — Start Driving” campaign on college …

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Trail safety considered for bikers and hikers in Everett

Three months ago, Wendell Hultman was riding his bicycle with a friend on the Interurban Trail near Everett.

Rounding a hairpin turn with a bad sightline, the cyclists dodged two teen-agers then suddenly came upon a couple walking their dog. The meeting ended very badly.

Hultman, 73, either struck the dog or the leash and went over the handlebars. His helmet cracked, and he died about two weeks later of his injuries.

Because the crash didn't occur on city streets, it didn't come to the attention of city officials until weeks later when the dog walkers, whose pooch recovered, contacted their city councilman.

Now, the city staff is making looking for ways to make trails safer…

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