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Bicycle merry-go-round for getting nowhere fast

Here's a bicycle for group rides in extremely cramped spaces. It's called the Circular Bike, and it's really just for fun.

Inventor Robert Wechsler used parts from 30-odd discarded bikes to make the merry-go-round that can reach speeds of 15 mph. He says that inevitably, someone always gets sick.

His creation essentially connects nine bicycles in a 12-foot diameter ring. There was some welding involved, but sections are bolted together so it can be dismantled …

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Bicycle merry-go-round

For going on group rides in extremely small spaces. This nine-person bicycle merry-go-round was invented and built by Robert Wechsler at UC Santa Barbara. See the story at The Telegraph, “Inventor creates bicycle merry-go-round.”

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Minuteman Bikeway one of 7 Hall of Fame rail-trails

Supporters and users of the popular Minuteman Bikeway in Massachusetts celebrated its induction into the Rail-to-Trails Conservancy's Hall of Fame with a rolling celebration by bicycle last weekend.

The 11-mile bike path connects Bedford, Lexington, Arlington and Cambridge, an area many of us remember from our history books for its part in the opening salvos of the American Revolution.

The nationwide trails advocacy group has chosen seven trails for its Hall of Fame so far and plans to name a total of 25 to coincide with its 25th year anniversary in December 2011. The seven are …

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Bicycling upstream with the migrating salmon

What could be so interesting to hold the attention of these two guys I spotted from the bike bridge to the Cedar River Trail in Renton?

They're employees of the Seattle Public Utilities checking on the salmon weir placed across the river to capture migrating salmon for the fish hatchery.

With sunny, cool weekend weather in the forecast, it might be a good time to bike over to the Cedar River Bike Trail and follow the migration of sockeye salmon upstream to Landsburg . There's a map below to direct you. …

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Salmon in Cedar River

Bright red sockete salmon swim upstream in the Cedar River near Renton, Washington. The sockeye make this migration every fall.

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Cedar River salmon weir

Seattle Public Utilities workers watch a salmon weir used to capture sockeye salmon as they swim upstream on the Cedar River in Renton.

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Minuteman Bikeway banner

The 11-mile rail-to-trail that runs through suburban Boston from Alewife to Bedford. The Minuteman Bikeway was recently added to the Rail-to-Trail Conservancy's Hall of Fame.

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2008 Interbike bicycle expo like a small city; East Coast event coming up

More than 23,000 exhibitors and attendees crammed the Sands Exposition Center in Las Vegas last month for the Interbike International Bicycle Expo where some 1,100 brands were displayed.

Imagine. That's bigger than many towns I've lived or worked in. And everyone was there to meet, greet and talk about bicycles.

The indoor expo was preceded again this year by the Outdoor Demo in Bootleg Canyon in nearby Boulder City, Nevada. The 5,000 people who attended that hands-on event set a record …

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Reporting on the mood-of-the-country from a bicycle

Hey, Senators McCain and Obama! If you want to learn the mood of the electorate as we roll toward the presidential election, you should check out Tim Foley's blog,

Tim is definitely the hardest working political journalist out there doing “mood-of-the-country” coverage. He conducts and posts daily voter interviews for his blog, then climbs on his bike and rides 50 to 100 miles to his next interview.

The master's candidate at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism is on a 50-day bike tour from New York City to New Orleans. He departed on Sept. 14 and plans to roll into the Big Easy shortly before the election ….

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Tim Foley

Mood of the country cyclist Tim Foley on the road in Maryland. His blog is

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