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Bike tour logo

Logo for The Trek to Re-Energize America. A nationwide bicycle tour next summer that meets up in Washington DC to draw attention to climate change

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Bush's legacy? Deregulation of mountain biking in national parks

The Interior Department is working on a rule change that would make it quicker and easier to designate trails for mountain bike use in national parks and other public lands.

An environmental group is calling it a “lame duck gift for our Mountain-Biker-in-Chief,” while mountain bike supporters call it a way to energize the national parks.

The rule change would allow decisions about mountain bike trails in parks to be made at the superintendent level, instead of run up the bureaucracy to headquarters with requirements for a public review period.


Currently, mountain biking is prohibited in national parks except on park roads and routes specifically designated for mountain bike use …

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Buy a condo, get a bicycle

Remember those real estate agents who took prospects on housing tours by bicycle?

The developers of a swank new housing development in Manhattan (211 Elizabeth) are going them one better by supplying bicycles to purchasers of their one- and two-bedroom condominiums.

The bicycle is made by A Black Bike, a Dutch bicycle company based in New York City. They look like the stylish workhorses I've seen in photos from Amsterdam …

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Dutch-styled product of A Black Bike

A Black Bike is a Dutch bicycle manufacturer based in New York City. See A Black Bike website.

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Riding blind on a downhill bike course

Imagine racing your mountain bike on a downhill course. Now imagine being legally blind.

Now you're imagining Bobby McMullen's life.

“The Way Bobby Sees It” (check out the trailer at left) is McMullen's story and is one of three feature films that will be presented at the Olympia Bicycle Film Festival later this month …

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Tour de France podium finisher Bernhard Kohl fails test

Austria's Bernhard Kohl is the latest pro cyclist to be accused of doping at the Tour de France after a French lab retested his urine samples taken during the race in July.

Kohl finished in 3rd place overall, wearing the King of the Mountains jersey at the time.

He's the fourth Tour cyclist accused of using CERA, a new form of EPO, and the second one from the Gerolsteiner team to flunk the test …

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Add Giro d'Italia to Lance Armstrong's bicycling calendar

Lance Armstrong's pro cycling comeback year in 2009 will include the Giro d'Italia for the first time in his career.

Just days after he received an official invitation from the Giro d'Italia organizers to compete in the 100th anniversary of the 3-week stage race, Armstrong accepted.

“I  raced a long time professionally and I never did the Giro, it’s one of the biggest regrets that I ever had. …

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Fall foliage in Renton

Riding bicycles beneath fall foliage at Coulan Park in Renton, Washington.

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Riding along with Mark, Festus and Mister Doodles through the Cascades

Whenever I'm out bicycle riding, I always keep an eye open for passing bicycle travelers who might need some directions or some company. It's how I return the favor to the countless people who have helped me over the years.

I met up with Mark on Friday as I was enjoying an early fall bike ride on the John Wayne Pioneer Trail in the Cascades. Although he wasn't on a bike, I knew he had an interesting story to tell.

Mark and his two companions, Festus, the mule, and Mister Doodles, the horse, had been on the road since June 2 when they left Kingfisher, Oklahoma. He was traveling to see an old friend in Ferndale, so he was nearing the end of his journey. …

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Horse traveler on Iron Horse Trail

Mark had been on the road for four months before stumbling across the John Wayne Trail in Iron Horse Park in Ellensburg, Washington. He wishes there were trails like this all the way from Oklahoma. His only companions have been his mule, Festus, carrying the gear, and Mr. Doodles, his horse.

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