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LiveStrong Challenge comes to Seattle in 2009

Seattle is included for the first time among the four cities that will host the LiveStrong Challenge in 2009.

The charity event the Lance Armstrong Foundation includes options for bicycling and running or walking to raise money to fight cancer.

The cities and dates are:

Seattle — June 13-14; San Jose — July 11-12; Philadelphia — Aug. 22-23; and Austin — Oct. 23-25.

The announcement comes on the heels of  the LiveStrong Challenge in Austin this past weekend. There are probably as many stories from this weekend's LiveStrong Challenge in Austin as there were people who participated — 6,000.

The one that caught my attention, however, was that of Judy Regan, 51, of Pasadena, California …

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Bicycling and beer

It's probably not a bad thing that so many bicycle clubs factor in the local brew pub at the end of a bike ride.

It bears repeating that beer and bicycling are both good for the heart.

Iowa cyclist John Gray told the local newspaper that riding a bike and drinking beer just seems right; “The two things just go hand in hand.”

So if you're looking for justification for quaffing a couple of beers after a ride, check these facts presented by the Sioux City Journal. Just remember, says nutrionist Sarah Nelson:

“The key, here, is the darker the brew, the higher the level of antioxidant present ….

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70 colleges that offer free or low-cost bicycles

With my son considering colleges for next year, we were excited to learn that some colleges and universities provide free bicycles for use by students

The offers run the gamut from free bicycles doled out to incoming freshmen who agree to leave their cars at home, to “yellow bike” programs, to cheap bike rental systems.

The colleges make the bikes available to reduce traffic congestion on their campuses and in the towns where they make their home. It also lessens the need to build large parking lots as it cuts the institution's carbon footprint.

There's also the side benefit of a more fit and healthy student population …

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Norwegian cyclist, 72, seeks advice about prostate surgery recovery

Every so often someone will send me an e-mail to learn more about my recovery from prostate surgery.

This weekend, it is 72-year-old Peter Kierulf of Norway. He wrote that he's going in for prostate surgery on Monday. He'd like to hear from other men who have undergone the minimally invasive robotic procedure, and he wants to know how long before they started bicycling again.

That fact that doctors have judged it safe to perform surgery on Peter is a testament to his health and fitness — probably from his years on the bike. But I can relate to his anxiety….

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Man stages bicycle accident in Seattle

A man took his bicycle onto the University Bridge in Seattle about 3 a.m. Saturday, then laid down beside it, as if he were injured. When a motorist stopped to help him, the man jumped up and punched and kicked the woman.

Police answering the call witnessed the attack and arrested the man. The woman was treated at a local hospital for the assault.

This is terrible on several levels. In addition to the woman being injured in the assault, I wonder if passersby will think twice before coming to the aid of bicyclists who have been left to die by hit-and-run motorists …

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How 40 communities would spend $50 million each on bicycling and walking

Dozens of cities and counties in the US are considering how they would each spend $50 million in federal funding for bicycle and pedestrian facilities, if the money ever comes their way.

The exercise is part of the 2010 Campaign for Active Transportation that was launched over the summer by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. The group wants to extend the funding to the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program that was ratified by Congress in 2005.

When Rails-to-Trails issued the “Active Transportation for America” report earlier this week, I stumbled across this campaign information on their website. It lists more than 40 communities that have prepared case studies to tell how they would encourage people to bike or walk instead of using their cars ….

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Adventure Cycling popularity grows in 2008

If you're seeking proof that cycling is gaining popularity, you need look no further than the growing membership rolls of Adventure Cycling Association.

The non-profit that targets bicycle touring experienced a 12% increase in new members in the past year, resulting in a 5% growth in overall membership. That accounts for a total 44,500 members by the end of last month.

Seeking to explain the spiking interest, membership director Julie Huck said:

“Whether it's because of last year's gas price increases, overall issues with the economy, or health and environmental concerns, more and more day-to-day cyclists are realizing that bicycle travel is a fairly simple next step ….

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Small voluntary recall for high-end Shimano wheels

The Shimano American company is recalling about 275 Shimano Dura Ace carbon clincher bicycle wheels.

They found that that rim surface and interior spoke hole plugs could puncture the innertube. There have been no reports of injuries after blowouts.

Manufactured in Malaysia, the wheels were sold in the US from April through August 2008 for about $1,300 …

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Shimano Dura-Ace wheel recall

Shimano American Corp. is recalling Shimano Dura Ace Carbon Clincher Wheels for Bicycles. See press release at Consumer Product Safety Commission.

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Lance Armstrong likes Tour de France route; wants to meet organizers

Reading through Lance Armstrong's quotes from a press release regarding the upcoming Tour de France route, I'd have to say he's looking forward to the upcoming bike race.

Armstrong was busy preparing for the Lance Armstrong Foundation's Ride for the Roses bicycling event in Austin this weekend, so he couldn't appear at the route unveiling in Paris. Who knows. He might not have shown up anyway.

The 7-time Tour winner has had a turbulent relationship with organizers in France and might have cold feet about racing the Tour again if he doesn't feel welcome …

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