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Halloween bicycle trip to Jimi Hendrix memorial

One of Seattle's most famous native sons is Jimi Hendrix, but I didn't know until yesterday that he was buried right down the road in Renton.

As the steady drizzle made it dark and gloomy here this Halloween — there was almost a purple haze in the air — I thought it would be an interesting experience to take a bicycle ride down there.

There's nothing scary or spooky about the Jimi Hendrix Memorial, but it did make it onto a list of six locations that are considered Haunted Renton on a map created by EarthShod.

The Jimi Hendrix Memorial is located at the Greenwood Memorial Park on busy 3rd Street in Renton.

The memorial is among the largest edifices at the cemetery and easy to find …

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Hendrix memorial in Renton

Jimi Hendrix — 1942-1970. Memorial at Greenwood Memorial Park in Renton, Washington

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Bicycle thief profits and fails by Craigslist

A thief who stole a bicycle posted on Craigslist was hooked in an impromptu sting operation when he re-listed  the bicycle in another town.

The Tacoma, Washington, man was hoisted by his own petard, as they say.

The drama started when Robert Hill of Bainbridge Island realized that  the guy who just pedaled his Cervelo R3 bicycle, valued at $2,700, down the driveway for a test ride was not coming back ….

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Quote: Lance Armstrong at Tour de Gruene; “exclusives”

“When Lance Armstrong comes, it gets amazingly busy. It's kind of like running a golf tournament, and Tiger Woods shows up.”

— Will Rotzler, co-organizer of the Tour de Gruene in New Braunfels, Texas, population 51,000, interviewed by Herald-Zeitung newspaper.

Armstrong is racing this weekend at 25th Tour de Gruene, which also features 15, 30, and 40-mile recreational rides on Saturday morning …

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Cycling video hits primetime with Obama campaign

This cycling video is the iconic testamonial to why it's not a good idea to celebrate too early. You've probably seen it dozens of times, but you've never seen this face on the come-from-behind winner until now.

It's such a classic and its message is so clear that the Obama-Biden campaign is using it to encourage supporters not to let up until after they cross the “finish line” on Tuesday.

I spotted it on Hardball with Chris Matthews on MSNBC Wednesday night and got a good laugh. It's very appropriate. Here's what Matthews said about it …

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Greenville to dedicate bike path to George Hincapie

If Lance Armstrong has a bike path named for him in Austin, then it's only fitting that George Hincapie would have one dedicated to him in his hometown of Greenville, South Carolina.

That's what the city of Greenville is doing this Saturday at 11 a.m.

A recently completed section of the Swamp Rabbit Trail — named for the railroad that used to serve the area — will be renamed the Hincapie Path.

Hincapie will be on hand for the ceremony and an inaugural ride along the 2-mile paved rail-to-trail …

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50,000-mile bicycle route network in US wins approval

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The plan to create a national system of bicycle routes covering more than 50,000 miles on roads and trails is gathering momentum.

A nationwide group of state and federal transporation officials has approved a National Corridor Plan that sets the framework and guidelines for developing the U.S. Bicycle Route System.

The idea, as spelled out by participant Adventure Cycling Association, is to create a system of interconnected bike routes in the US that crosses state borders and connects urban, rural and suburban regions.

As you can see from this draft map, the corridors would include the TransAmerica Trail, the Northern Tier and Southern Tier cross-country routes, the East Coast Greenway, the Mississippi River Trail, the Underground Railroad trail and many more …

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Draft for U.S. Bike Route System

A draft map of the US Bike Route System shows more than 50,000 miles of interconnecting bike routes and trails criss-crossing the US. More at Adventure Cycling Association. Two digit numbering system is even for east-west and odd for north-south.

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Gallup polls bicyclists' behaviors and attitudes

A nationwide poll for the US Department of Transportation finds that nearly half of all Americans have access to bicycles.

And the more they ride those bikes, the more likely they are to prefer bike lane improvements over bike paths and trails.

The information in the National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes and Behavior could be useful to bicycle policy makers who are trying to justify expenditures for bicycle facility improvements in their communities.

Its usefulness is limited, however, by the fact that this information is six years old. The Gallup organization performed the survey in August 2002 for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, but the report didn't see the light of day until August 2008. …

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More bike lanes preferred by cyclists

Nationwide poll of bicyclists attitudes and behavior finds bike lanes are the most preferred improvement in bicycle facilities. See report (.pdf).

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