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Taylor Phinney wins 2 golds in World Cup track (updated)

Congratulations to Taylor Phinney on winning gold in the 4km individual pursuit and the 1km  in cycling's Track World Cup in Copenhagen.

On Friday, Phinney set a 4:15.223-minute mark in the qualifying round that broke by 4 seconds a 13-year-old US track cycling record; his winning time in the gold medal round was 4:19.119 to beat Ireland's David O'Loughlin.

On Saturday, he won the 1km track event, setting another US record in a qualifying rounds.

The 18-year-old from Colorado is the son of two cycling gold medal winners …

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Crashed and bruised, Floyd Landis still racing Tour of California

He's returning to professional cycling on US soil this weekend, and already the drama has begun.

I'm not talking about Lance Armstrong; I'm talking about Floyd Landis.

Floyd Landis returns to professional cycling in Sacramento on Saturday for the 9-day Amgen Tour of California, but he almost didn't make it. He crashed on Thursday.

Landis has served his two years in purgatory after lab tests during the 2006 Tour de France showed that he doped. Now Landis is leader of the OUCH pro cycling team …

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Floyd Landis trains in California

Floyd Landis on a training ride near Temecula, California, earlier in 2009 with the OUCH pro cycling team. From the OUCH pro cycling website.

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An interview with The Ride of Your Life author David Rowe

When David Rowe offered to stop by on his virtual book tour to promote “The Ride of Your Life,” I jumped at the chance to interview him.

It's not often that I get the opportunity to talk bicycling with someone as knowledgeable and expressive as David. Based here in the Pacific Northwest, he's been riding a bicycle for 30 years. Although he doesn't race, he regularly participates in bike rides that are longer than 100 miles.

His ebook is a guide to preparing yourself mentally for the challenge of taking on long-distance cycling. We touched on some of those issues in this interview, like riding through pain, balancing bicycling with your job and family, and how to prepare for a long-distance independent bicycle tour ….

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David Rowe, cyclist and author

David Rowe has published an ebook entitled “The Ride of Your Life, Aligning Heart and Mind for Success in Long-Distance Cycling.” You can read an excerpt at

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Armstrong's personal anti-doping program? Forget about it

A lot of you probably saw this one coming.

The much ballyhooed personal anti-doping program for Lance Armstrong has been scrapped because it's just too complicated.

Don Catlin, the anti-doping scientist hired to run the program, told the New York Times:

“In the real world, when you try to implement a program as grandiose as what you had in mind, it just becomes so complicated that it’s better not to try. We’re all disappointed, but it’s just not going to be possible.” …

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Bruyneel's big decision on which road to take in cycling

Pro cycling is getting a lot of ink in California publications this week as the peloton gathers to start the 9-day Amgen Tour of California on Saturday in Sacramento.

One of the most interesting stories has been Bob Padecky's column about Johan Bruyneel, the director of the Astana team.

Bruyneel was an accomplished cyclist when he decided to retire in 1998 and considered taking charge of the pro cyclists organization. But a young cyclist named Lance Armstrong asked him if he was interested in being director of the U.S. Postal Service pro cycling team …

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Bicycle bloggers tell about their fantasy bike shops

Richard Masoner over at Cyclelicious was kind enough to contact me this morning to ask if I had a “fantasy bicycle shop.”

Funny, but this is something I've actually thought about. My shop would be located in a small- to medium-sized town in the midwest and cater to touring bicyclists. We'd live next door and …

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Crunch time to fund bicycle projects with stimulus money

Now is when the rubber meets the road to get funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects in the Obama economic stimulus plan.

Although the Senate passed a version of the package earlier Tuesday, it doesn't include the same funding for Transportation Enhancements (such as bicycle facilities) as is included in the House version.

Both the League of American Bicyclists and the Rails to Trails Conservancy are issuing action alerts to urge members to contact their congressmen to ensure those “enhancements” make it into the conference bill that will be hashed out in upcoming meetings …

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Levi Leipheimer is readers' favorite to win 2009 Tour of California

Lance Armstrong's return to pro cycling on US soil adds excitement to the upcoming Amgen Tour of California, but BikingBis readers are picking two-time champion Levi Leipheimer to win the race.

The 35-year-old member of the Astana team received 43% of the votes cast in the blog poll.

Teammate Armstrong finished second in the poll, with 12% of the vote, and Christian Vande Velde of Garmin-Chipotle finished third with 10% of votes cast. Returning to cycling after a two-year doping suspension, first year champion Floyd Landis received 9% of the votes …

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