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Michael Rogers

Australian member of Team Columbia High Road Michael Rogers

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A website where bicycle theft victims can tell their stories

A lot of people are saying that Lance Armstrong's alert to the 145,00 members of his Twitterati helped in the quick recovery of his time trial bicycle.

For the rest of us who don't have that clout, there's a website where we can share our stories. It's called “Someone Stole My Bike.”

The website features video stories of bike theft victims, some who lost their bikes for good and others, like Kristy (shown here), who chased down the thief, grabbed him by the backpack and dragged him to the ground …

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2010 Tour Down Under dates

The 2010 Tour Down Under will roll out from Jan. 17 to 24, organizers have announced.

It will be the first race on the UCI calendar.

The week-long stage race around South Australia got a boost in 2009 as Lance Armstrong decided to emerge from 3 1/2 years of retirement for the race. No …

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Citizen turns in Lance Armstrong's stolen bicycle to police

A Sacramento resident walked into the Sacramento police headquarters this morning with Lance Armstrong's stolen time trial bicycle, solving a case that police had been working on since Sunday.

Although a police spokesman said he would not go into the details about how the person acquired the bicycle, “he is not a suspect at this time.”

The bicycle “appears to be in good condition with the wheels and the frame, however the mechanics for the team will have to review it … to see if there are any flaws or damage to it.” …

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Cavendish logs first Tour of California win; Leipheimer still in yellow

Mark Cavendish put his name in the win column for the first time at the Amgen Tour of California on Wednesday by winning a long sprint in Clovis.

Team Columbia's speedster from the Isle of Man stayed in the peloton with his fellow sprinters as Stage 4 wound through the Sierra foothills on the 115-mile day that boasted 5 King of the Mountain climbs.

In spite of a breakaway led by US National road champ Tyler Hamilton (Rock Racing), the sprinters' teams pulled the race back together in Clovis. Learning from Tuesday's miscues, Team Columbia got Cavendish to the front where he launched a long sprint ….

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Armstrong time trial bike recovered

Photo of Sacramento police officer with recovered Armstrong time trial bicycle. Picture from twitpic

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Do not put this bumper sticker on your bicycle

There's a Florida band named “This Bike is a Pipe Bomb.” If you want to keep life simple, do not attach their bumper stickers to your bicycle. Otherwise your ride could be considered a terrorist threat.

That happened Monday in Memphis where an airport terminal was shut down when such a bicycle was spotted near a passenger ramp.

A pilot saw the bike with the sticker and notified police, who evacuated the terminal. Bomb-sniffing dogs were called in, but did not detect any explosives.

Airport police took the bike owner into custody …

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This Bike is a Pipe Bomb

The stricker for the folk-punk band “this bike is a pipe bomb” has cleared an airport in Memphis and a university in Ohio.

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What makes Lance Armstrong ride?

Lance Armstrong and the Amgen Tour of California are reported to be drawing huge crowds along the route, in spite of heavy rain and cold temperatures.

More than 100 people crowded around the Astana trailer in San Jose to see Armstrong preparing for Stage 3 on Tuesday. Thousands gathered along the route.

Ann Killion, sports columnist for the San Jose Mercury News, asked former coach Jim Ochowicz what makes Armstrong ride? …

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Hushovd wins Stage 3; Leipheimer retains overall lead in Tour of California

The impact of two major climbs and an all-day breakaway didn't factor at all into Thor Hushovd's Stage 3 victory on the wet streets of Modesto on Tuesday at the Amgen Tour of California.

The Norwegian sprinter for Cervélo TestTeam followed a perfectly executed leadout by his teammates at the end of the 101-mile race from San Jose to Modesto. He was followed across the line by Oscar Freire (Rabobank) and Mark Renshaw (Columbia).

Levi Leipheimer retained the yellow jersey, in spite of a going down between the two climbs after reportedly touching wheels with Astana teammate, Lance Armstrong. The Texan remains in 4th place; David Zabriskie in 3rd and Michael Rogers in 2nd ….

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