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Route announced for Ride Around Washington 2012

A rainy winter day is a perfect time to ponder a bicycle ride across the dry side of Washington state.

That's the destination for Ride Around Washington 2012, announced last week by the Cascade Bicycle Club.

The 400-mile supported bicycle tour rolls out Aug. 5-11 through the Ponderosa pines to the wide-open hills of the Palouse and back again. Along the way, riders will spend a couple of nights in western Idaho.

My son and I bicycled previous RAW tours that individually visited these regions. The roads …

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Seattle area gets new century bike ride — Red-Bell 100

A new bicycle century ride that benefits World Bicycle Relief is coming to the Seattle area in 2012.

The Cascade Bicycle Club is presenting the Red-Bell 100 on June 30 next year. Registration opens Jan. 25.

As you can probably guess, the charity ride rolls out from Marymoor Park in Redmond and ends with a party in Bellingham. It follows bike trails and low-traffic roads that will be familiar to cyclists on Day 1 of the RSVP …

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World Bicycle Relief logo

World Bicycle Relief

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How many miles do you ride your bicycle every year?

64-year-old Everett man bikes nearly 12,000 miles a year

When my BikeJournal log surpassed 4,000 miles for 2011 in October, I thought I was pretty hot stuff.

Maybe some younger guys are laying down more miles on their bicycles, but I was pretty puffed for a guy adjusting to the realities of the 60s.

Then I catch this story about Dr. Art Grossman of nearby Everett, Wash. The 64-year-old doctor usually tallies just shy of 12,000 miles of bicycling a year. ….

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The 3 Berg brothers give thanks on Pan-American bicycle journey

Three brothers traveling on a Pan-American bicycle tour are giving thanks this Thanksgiving for the folks who have helped them along their journey so far.

The three Berg brothers of North Dakota are on a quest to raise funds and awareness for Habitat for Humanity along the way. [That's two of them riding their bikes into the fog along the California coast.]

At their blog, BoundSouth, they write:

“Every day of Bound South is a thanksgiving. Be it a simple meal, a warm bed, or an uplifting ….

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Berg brothers bicycling into the fog

Three brothers from North Dakota are on a trip from Alaska to Patagonia. More at BoundSouth blog.

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2 Florida fatalties

Two bike fatalities at same intersection, 2 years apart.

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Highway carnage becomes personal on interactive map

Here's a visual representation of traffic-related deaths on our highways from 2001 to 2009.

It was created by ITO World, a UK-based transport information company. There's a larger version on the jump page.

From a distance, the map shows a broad swath of highway carnage over a 9-year period in which 369,629 people died. Of those, 6,359 were bicyclists.

Zooming in, the story gets personal.

As you scroll in you'll notice the color ….

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Traffic fatalities in Seattle

Many pedestrians killed, shown in blue.

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Mark Beaumont's around-the-world bicycle adventure

What is worse than hearing rats scurrying around your hotel room getting into your bike panniers at night? It might be waking up the next morning with rat turds on the pillow.

That episode in India kind of strips the glamour off the idea of bicycling around the world in pursuit of a world record. It's just one of many experiences recounted in Mark Beaumont's book “The Man Who Cycled the World,” recently released in the US.

The Scotsman was the second in what has seemed a rush of bicyclists seeking a Guinness World Record for bicycling around the world.

Beaumont accomplished his feat in 2008, completing his grand adventure in 194 days and 17 hours. Remarkably, he shaved 81 days off the record ….

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