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Book reports on rising popularity of bicycling today

Bicycling is changing the look and feel of cities, small towns and suburbs across the U.S., asserts Jeff Mapes in his new book, “Pedaling Revolution: How Cyclists are Changing American Cities.”

Mapes should know. He's a reporter at the Portland Oregonian newspaper and has watched the rise of the bicycle culture in that city. He's experienced much of it firsthand as a bike commuter.

According to reviews and publicity (I haven't read the book yet), Mapes writes about big cities, college towns and Portland to show how cyclists are taking to the streets. He looks at the history of bicycle advocacy and reports on the many styles of people — congressmen, bike messengers, spandex-clad recreational riders — who are behind it.

In the introduction, Mapes writes …..

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Bicycling and Earth Day events

What's the best way to celebrate Earth Day on Wednesday, April 22? Ride your bicycle, of course.

I don't mean to carry it by car to the local bike path or Earth Day parade and go for a ride. I mean use your bicycle for transportation to get to work, run errands, or visit a friend.

Using a bicycle reduces the burning of fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases, which are responsible for climate change. End of sermon.

There are many Earth Day events being held this weekend and next weekend across the US. …

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Tyler Hamilton admits to taking banned substance; retires from pro cycling

Just like that, Tyler Hamilton is out of professional cycling.

Admitting to testing positive to a banned substance, Hamilton said Friday that there's nothing to fight about. The 38-year-old cyclist said he's retiring from cycling immediately.

According to the AP and ESPN, Hamilton said he tested positive after taking an over-the-counter anti-depressant. He told the AP:

“There's nothing to fight about. I took a banned substance. I accept the consequences. You make mistakes in your life and I accept the penalty like a man.” …

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A grisly finish to Belgium bike race and the blame game

Here's the nasty finish at the Scheldeprijs Vlaanderen in Belgium on Wednesday via It just amazes me that this doesn't happen more often.

The good news was that Alessandro Petacchi won his first-ever race in Belgium with this sprint. The bad news is that seven riders were injured, among them Robbie McEwen (who broke a rib and was treated for a suspected concussion) and Tom Boonen.

In the aftermath, the first rider to go down,  Greg Van Avermaet, blamed Petacchi for the crash. McEwen blamed Avermaet, who ran into him and started the chain reaction. …

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Family receives settlement

A file photo of Jeffrey Totten, and his wife, Danielle, taken before the bike accident that caused life-long injuries.

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King County to pay $3.5 million to injured cyclist for road faults

A county government in Washington state has agreed to pay $3.5 million to bicyclist who fell and suffered permanent brain injuries on a road the county promoted as a bike route.

King County, home of the city of Seattle, agreed to the out-of-court settlement to pay for life-long care for the Jeffrey Totten, who was 31 years old at the time of the accident in September 2006.

The lawsuit alleged that the county promoted Novelty Hill Road as a bike route but failed to maintain it in a safe condition.

Totten was on a training ride with friends when he struck a hole that had developed around a survey monument in the road. He was in a coma for seven months, spent time in a group home and now lives in a group home where he receives around the clock care…

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Drinking and bicycling is no laughing matter

The thought of an inebriated bicyclist weaving down the road conjures up a funny picture, but statistics show that drunken bicycling is no laughing matter.

A recent New York Times blog report says a New York City study found over a 10-year-period that 21% of bicyclists killed in traffic crashes had alcohol in their bloodstream.

Data in a National Highway Transportation Safety Administration report is even more sobering: In 2007, nearly one-fourth of cyclists killed in traffic crashes had a blood alcohol content of .08% or higher.

If you're behind the wheel of a car, a .08 blood alcohol level will earn you a drunken driving charge in all 50 states. …

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League names 8 bike shops of the year for 2008

SportShop sticker

I was happy to see one of my old haunts listed among the 8 Bicycle Shops of 2008 chosen by members of the League of American Bicyclists.

The League polled its members to name their favorite bicycle shops and tell why. Shops with the most votes in each of the League's 6 regions were named. One region had a 3-way tie, so a total of 8 shops got the nod.

The winners are …

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Tom Boonen wins third Paris-Roubaix; Hincapie 44th

Belgium's Tom Boonen won his third Paris-Roubaix on Sunday, becoming part of a very small list of cyclists who have won a “Hell of the North” hat trick.

The video at left shows what was probably the defining moment for Boonen. Having established a two-man lead with Thor Hushovd, the Norwegian crashed as Boonen led him through a cobbled section near the end.

Hushovd, riding for the Cervelo Test Team, is considered the stronger sprinter of the two, and would have been favored to win at the finishing velodrome in Roubaix. The crash put him out of contention for the win, but he battled back to take third ….

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A visit to bicycle-centric University of Oregon

Eugene might be called Track City because of its history with running events at the University of Oregon, but what caught my eye on a recent visit were the thousands of bicycles.

I've been on a whirlwind tour of some Northwest colleges lately with my high school senior son, and my unofficial observations found the University of Oregon to be the most bike-centric of any campus.

It stands to reason: Eugene has been judged a silver level bicycle-friendly community by the League of American Bicyclists …

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