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Di Luca wins Giro Stage 4; Columbia's Lövkvist in pink jersey

Italian cyclist Danilo Di Luca rocketed past Mauricio Soler in the final 100 yards of the first mountaintop stage of this year's Giro d'Italia on Tuesday.

The steep terrain on the 100-mile stage from Padova to San Martino di Castrozza helped defeat the early leaders of the race such as Italian sprinter Alessandro Petacchi, and put Team Columbia's Thomas Lövkvist in the leader's pink jersey.

American Lance Armstrong, who started the day in 5th overall, stayed in the middle of a chase group all day, but was content to let the others attack in the steep final few kilometers. He finished 15 seconds behind the winner and dropped to 6th place overall. …

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Too bad! Christian Vande Velde crashes out of Giro d'Italia on Stage 3

Ugualmente Male! US cyclist Christian Vande Velde has crashed out of the Giro d'Italia bicycle race.

You'll remember from this photo that Vande Velde became the second US cyclist ever to wear the Giro's pink leader jersey last year when his team won the opening team time trial stage.

Things didn't go quite as well this year, as Garmin-Chipotle finished in second place on the Stage 1 team time trial on Saturday to Team Columbia. Then Vande Velde crashed out on Monday.

He was sitting in 8th place overall when he crashed. …

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The hard-working bicyclists of New York City

Pedicab in Times Square late Friday night

Just returned from a too short trip to New York City, and thought I'd share some bicycle photos I took while I was there.

What struck me the most on Friday was the overwhelming number of folks who earn their living on bicycles. For these people it's not so much bike-to-work, but bike-at-work.

Of course I spotted, and dodged, plenty of bicycle messengers running errands in the Times Square area as soon as I started walking around Friday morning.

Then toward lunch-time, I started seeing guys on heavier bikes who were delivering food either in plastic bags hanging from handlebars, or in boxes attached to the bikes. …

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Bellingham (WA) software firm's bicycle shop

When your company does something that you're proud of, you want the world to know.

That's the impression I got from Ryan Burns, an employee at the Logos Bible Software company up in Bellingham.

With Bike-to-Work Day coming up on May 15, he wanted to brag a little about the in-house bicycle shop that Logos has funded.

You wouldn't be surprised to hear something like this about Microsoft, which has a bike repair shop for its hundreds of employees at the sprawling campus in Redmond. But Logos has just 170 employees, many of whom are serious bicyclists who work on their own bicycles.

By the way, Bellingham has been named a silver level Bicycle Friendly Community.

Here's a story that Ryan wrote up about the bike repair shop …

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Virginia petition seeks bike trails along railroad projects

A petition that trail advocates are pushing in Virginia could result in hundreds, if not thousands, of miles of bicycling trails alongside active railroads.

The central idea of the petition is that citizens should benefit directly from railroad projects that receive government subsidies for new construction or improvements.

The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy points out there already are 200 rails with trails projects in the US totaling more than 2,000 miles.

Currently, the Virginia Bicycle Federation is asking Gov. Timothy Kaine to support trails with rails on all major railroad projects in the state.

Here is VBF's take on the issue …

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Where to watch the 2009 Giro d'Italia? Universal Sports

Update: Universal Sports comes to the rescue!

The sports programmer will offer Giro d'Italia coverage on a live webcast and a slightly delayed TV broadcast beginning Saturday.

See the Universal Sports Cycling Dashboard for more information as it develops. Apparently the deal was just inked earlier Thursday.

Previously: If you're thinking you'll catch coverage of the Giro d'Italia on Versus — the “all-Lance-all-the-time” network during the Tour de France — then guess again.

Unless events change, Versus will be completely out of the picture for coverage of the Giro d'Italia, which begins Saturday and runs through May 31. That omission even includes the network's Sunday cycling show, which is in hiatus until June 7, and its website …

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Logos software company

Bike shop in Logos Bible Software company in Bellingham, Washington. Photo from Logos blog used with permission.

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A rail with trail in St. Paul

A petition is seeking to require that any new or improved railroad projects that use public money install a trail alongside. Picture by Stuart MacDonald

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Jury reduces charges, then convicts motorist in TOSRV bicycle fatality

A jury took less than two hours to reduce the charges against a woman who struck and killed a bicyclist in last year's Tour of the Scioto River Valley (TOSRV).

The motorist was originally charged with the third-degree felony of leaving the scene of a fatal accident. The Pike County, Ohio, jury on Wednesday reduced the charge to a misdemeanor crime of leaving the scene of an accident.

The jury reasoned (and I'm using the term loosely) that because the bicyclist suffered head injuries that killed him instantly, the motorist's failure to stop did not in and of itself result in the bicyclist's death.

The third-degree felony carries a 1- to 5-year prison sentence; the maximum punishment for a misdemeanor conviction is a 6-month sentence and $1,000 fine

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Official map of the 2009 Giro d'Italia

Begins in Venice on May 9 and ends in Rome on May 31.

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