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Scarponi wins Stage 17; Menchov lead unchanged at Giro

Italian Michele Scarponi won his second stage of this year's Giro d'Italia on Thursday in a seven-man sprint that included Americans Jason McCartney and Danny Pate.

The seven cyclists were the remnants of a breakaway of 25 bicycle racers who gained up to about 6 minutes over the peloton at one point on the 113-mile stage from Sulmona to Benevento.

Race leader Denis Menchov and chief rival Danilo Di Luca finished together in the main peloton, with Rabobank's Menchov maintaining his 26-second lead over Di Luca. No change in the standings for the other leaders, as Levi Leipheimer remained in 6th place, 4:32 back …

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Bikewise website

Seattle-based Cascade Bicycle Club creates a online mapping tool to record bicycling crashes, hazards and thefts. See

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An escape on this bicycle tour could bring an armed chase group

From the nation that brought us the Velib bicycle rental system comes another revolutionary idea: Remove convicts from prison and take them on a bicycle tour.

Beginning next month, 196 French prison inmates will begin a 1,400-mile bike tour of France. They'll be accompanied by 124 guards.

Reuters news agency reports that the peloton will start in Lille on June 4 and stop in 17 towns. Although each host town is home to a prison, the inmates will be sleeping in hotels. They'll conclude the trip in Paris.

A French prison official explained the trip …

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Bicycling 48 states in 48 days to battle cancer

What did you do for your summer vacations in college? Here's a bicycling adventure so amazingly unique that it will likely appear in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Graduating senior Phil Nagle plans to ride his bicycle to 48 states in 48 days this summer and has mapped out a route that does the deed in about 8,000 miles.

The University of Cincinnati senior isn't doing it for publicity, however. He's trying to raise $48,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to pay for research to fight blood cancer, the disease that took his uncle's life at age 16.

The grand loop begins and ends at his home in Tipp City, Ohio. As you can see from the map below, he'll ride his bicycle clean through some states, while others he just tags in passing …

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Pellizotti wins Stage 18; Menchov unruffled in lead of Giro

Italy's Franco Pellizotti took a solo victory at the summit of the Blockhaus on Wednesday, while Denis Menchov coolly hung on to the leader's pink jersey at the Giro d'Italia bicycle race.

Second place Danilo Di Luca attacked Menchov with all his power on the 15-mile climb, but Menchov seemed to effortlessly stay on his rival's rear wheel. Stefano Garzelli and Ivan Basso joined that chase group that loosely crossed the finish about 42 seconds behind Pellizotti.

Lance Armstrong attempted to bridge up to Pellizotti soon after he attacked at the bottom of the 15-mile climb, but couldn't quite catch on. …

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Map of 48 in 48 route

Dan Nagle plans to visit 48 states in 48 days in the summer of 2009. Here's his route. Map from his Facebook group page.

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Dan Nagle

Ohio's Dan Nagle, 23, plans to bicycle to 48 states in 48 days in the summer of 2009. Follow him at his Facebook group page or his Go 48 in 48 website.

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Memorial Day bicycle ride into the Cascades

I've always enjoyed sharing my favorite bicycle routes with friends; even more so when it's my son.

So when Memorial Day dawned clear and warm, we headed up to the Iron Horse State Park just east of North Bend where I introduced him to the John Wayne Pioneer Trail.

In spite of a sign at the trailhead that warned the Snoqualmie Tunnel was closed 20 miles ahead, we saw dozens of bicyclists out on the rail-trail of the Chicago-Milwaukee-St. Paul-Pacific Railroad — aka The Milwaukee Road.

Since there's no way through, or around, the 2.3-mile tunnel, the only destination for these bicyclists was an out-and-back trail ride to stretch their legs and enjoy the sunny, blue skies….

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Sastre takes solo win; Leipheimer loses serious time on Giro leader Menchov

Carlos Sastre exploded out of the pack on the final climb at the Giro d'Italia on Monday to win Stage 16 and bring himself closer to overall leader Denis Menchov.

Along the way, last year's Tour de France champion overtook breakaway leader Yaroslav Popovych, who appeared ready to hand his Astana team its first win of the 2009 Giro.

Team Astana suffered more disappointment as their favorite to win the Giro, American Levi Leipheimer, crossed the finish line nearly 3 minutes behind the winner and fell three places to 6th, 3:21 behind Menchov. He was pulled across the finish line at Monte Petrano by teammate Lance Armstrong …

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Basso attack fizzles at Giro; Bertagnolli wins Stage 15

Pre-race favorite Ivan Basso staged a short-lived attack on the pink jersey Sunday, but couldn't sustain an advantage as overall leader Denis Menchov retained the top spot of the Giro d'Italia for another day.

Italian Leonardo Bertagnolli took the solo victory on Stage 15 in Faenza. The 31-year-old was the sole survivor of a 16-man breakaway pack that formed about 11 miles into the 99 mile stage.

Despite lots of drama in the rollercoaster stage that routed the peloton over five climbs, the leaders remained intact at the end of the day. At one point 3rd place cyclist Levi Leipheimer lost contact with the Menchov group, but the Astana rider was able bridge about 29 seconds back to  the leaders' group.

Basso delivered much of that drama, as he attacked on the next to last climb — Monte Casale ….

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