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Painted bicyclists ride in Seattle neighborhood

Temperatures in the low 60s didn't deter painted bicyclists at Fremont Solstice Parade on Saturday.

Keeping warm under 8 ounces of body paint, the cyclists celebrated the first day of summer along with thousands of onlookers who jammed the parade route in the Seattle neighborhood of Fremont.

Although a few wore a strategically placed loincloth or pasty, most only wore their paint. While some just covered themselves in one color from head-to-toe, others painted themselves in elaborate wardrobes or costumes.

It's a lot of work, and many showed up at Hale's Ale for the painting to begin at 7 a.m. The parade didn't start until noon. …

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LiveStrong Village opens


Early arrivals for the LiveStrong Challenge bike ride check out the LiveStrong Village at the Seattle Center on Saturday.

Some 2,000 cyclists and runners have raised more than $700,000 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

They'll hit the streets Sunday morning for 5K runs or bike rides of up to 100 miles.

Those bike riders will pass through Seattle, cross the Lake Washington bridges and head into the hills on the Eastside before heading back to the Seattle Center finish line. …

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Is it art or a “slow down” warning for bicyclists?

I've seen some poorly paved bicycle paths, but this one is the worst.

Actually, the canyon the cyclists are pedaling into is a 3D sidewalk art creation intended to slow down bicycle riders on the Regents Canalway in Islington, north of London.

A spokesman for British Waterways told the BBC that the “canyon” was commissioned to remind bicyclists to slow down and avoid pedestrians…

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Fake chasm

British Waterways commissioned this fade 3-D canyon to slow down cyclists. From Gadling.

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Long-distance cyclists gather on Great Divide Mountain Bike Route

As one string of endurance bicyclists heads east across the United States on skinny tire bicycles, another group is heading south along the Great Divide on fat tire bikes.

The first group are cyclists competing in the Race Across America (RAAM) that I wrote about Wednesday. They're racing 3,100 miles cross-country and will begin arriving in Annapolis late next week after 8 to 10 days in the saddle.

The mountain bicyclists on Tour Divide are going almost as far — 2,700 miles from Banff, Alberta, to Antelope Wells, New Mexico. They're traveling without support crews on mostly dirt roads, however, and must carry their own shelter, water and food.

Last year's Tour Divide winner, Matthew Lee, finished the route in an amazing 19 days and 12 hours …

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Tour Divide bicycle race

Photo of cyclists summiting Medicine Lodge Divide in Montana on previous bicycle race along Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. More Montana mountain bike race photos at Tour Divide.

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World's fastest bicycle traveler is back on the road again

The Scottish bicycle traveller who holds the world record for fastest circumnavigation of the Earth is taking his BBC audience on a bicycle tour of the Americas.

As I write this, Mark Beaumont is returning from his ascent of Mount McKinley (Denali) in Alaska by foot.

Over the next seven or eight months, the 26-year-old bicycle adventurer will pedal the coastal mountain ranges all the way to Argentina where he'll summit Aconcagua in the Andes.

Global cyclist

In February last year, Beaumont finished an 18,000-mile solo bicycle tour that circumnavigated the globe. His 195-day trip shattered the previous record of 276 days …

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Solo men begin 2009 Race Across America by bicycle

Four-time Race Across America winner Jure Robic, left, of Slovenia took off from Oceanside, California, on his bicycle at noon Wednesday to defend his title against 23 other men entered in the solo division of the 3,022-mile cross-country race.

He's expected to finish sometime on Friday, June 26, when he pulls into City Dock in Annapolis, Maryland.

This is the 28th running of RAAM, the amazing uber-endurance bicycle race that's the longest, and probably the most difficult, bicycle race in the world.

Four solo women and one man over 60 started their trans-America uber-endurance bike race at noon Tuesday; the 2-person, 4-person and 8-person teams will leave Oceanside on Saturday …

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Lance Armstrong to miss Seattle LiveStrong Challenge bicycle ride

The 2,000 participants in the inaugural LiveStrong Challenge in Seattle this Sunday might be disappointed to learn that Lance Armstrong won't be appearing at the charity bicycle ride.

Instead, Armstrong announced Tuesday that he and teammates Levi Leipheimer and Chris Horner will be racing at the Nevada City Classic that day.

Responding on his Twitter account to a discouraged fan, Armstrong wrote:

“I hear ya. If it weren't for the TdF then I'd be there. Have to get some racing in prior to the big race. Tough to balance it all.” …

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A perfect storm of bicycle rides and tours this weekend


Sometimes when the planets align correctly and all other conditions are just right, we have the perfect storm of recreational bicycle tours. It's a good thing.

Such is the case this weekend.

If you live in Washington state and you can't find a ride this weekend, then you aren't trying very hard.

I count eight organized bicycle rides this weekend from Seattle to Winthrop to Walla Walla. Seven compete for our attention on Saturday, while the LiveStrong Challenge has Sunday all to itself when 2,000 hit the roads in the Seattle and the Eastside.

Here's a rundown (also available on the June Bicycle Ride Calendar at BikingBis):


Painted Cyclists Solstice Parade: Leave the spandex at home for this ride. Participants in the annual Fremont parade ride au naturel beneath about 8 ounces of paint …

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