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Zoa with dog trailer

Zoa and Fin are bicycling across Europe with dogs in tow. More at CyclingGypsies blog.

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Checking rigs overlooking a French gorge

Couple takes two dogs on a tour of Europe. Cycling Gypsies

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Bike-powered hauling in Philadelphia by the Pedal Co-op

Bicycling, recycling, composting all come together at the Pedal Co-op in Philadelphia.

Using bikes, trailers and some muscle, these entrepreneurs have created a business that specializes in low-cost, bike-powered hauling.

Although they provide package and bakery deliveries and intercity moving, I guess you could say their bread-and-butter is composting and recycling ….

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How bicyclists are trying to make an impact on climate conference in Copenhagen

Many bicyclists are seeking to influence a political agreement at the UN Climate Change Conference that begins next week in Copenhagen.

A global bike commute challenge is underway and cyclists are joining climate-change bike rides in selected cities this coming weekend for Ride Planet Earth. Meanwhile, activists in The Bike Bloc Project who are planning to take to the streets in Copenhagen are designing a method of civil disobedience that will use recycled bikes.

Of course those who use their bikes to commute or run errands regularly make a statement about the bicycle as a sustainable form of transportation every day.

Calling attention to the bicycle as a no-emission form of transportation and travel is Ride Planet Earth, a bike tour from Australia to Denmark led by Kim Nguyen. There are a couple of spin-offs of this ride that bicyclists can participate in ….

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New Lance Armstrong book: Excerpt, TV and personal appearances

“Comeback 2.0: Up Close and Personal” is the story of Lance Armstrong's return to professional cycling in 2009.

The story is told in his own journal entries interspersed throughout the book with color photos by Liz Kreutz, who followed Armstrong throughout the 2009 season.

The 208-page book will be released on Tuesday and will be followed by book signings and TV appearances (on “The Daily Show” and “Live with Regis and Kelly”) by Armstrong.

In an introduction written by Armstrong, the 7-time Tour de France champion tells what led him back onto the saddle after three years of retirement.

In an excerpt from the introduction ….

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Old hip injury leads to fresh knee pain for bicycling

Update: Dec. 8 — The physical therapist told me today that it's OK to ride my bike, even though there will be some pain. The knee cap should be realigned so it's not rubbing the femur after about 10,000 repititions of the exercises he's given me. That means 3 to 4 months.

I'm still kind of stunned that a bicycling fall I had way back in January has forced me off the bike in November.

Although I had badly bruised the muscles around my right hip in that fall, it's my right knee that's been feeling the pain since August.

I finally found the time (got up the nerve) to visit my doctor about the knee pain about a week ago. That's after three weeks of self-imposed rest off the bike hadn't made anything better.

Here's my tale of woe as a lesson to anyone with knee pain in the past, present or future. Obviously your knee pain can stem from other causes, but it's illustrates the importance of keeping our muscles, ligaments and tendons in balance ..

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Hip injury leads to knee pain

How a hip injury in January led to knee pain in August.

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Bikes for the World ships 40,000 donated bicycles

Let's admit it. Too many bicyclists keep too many unused bicycles in their garages or their basements. I'll include myself among the guilty.

Maybe there's an emotional attachment to an old relic. Or it's difficult to find an alternative to taking the bicycle to the dump, an unceremonious end for a trusty companion.

Several nonprofits are set up to collect these old bikes and redistribute them back into the community or ship them overseas. I've created a list of some of these at “Where to Donate Your Used Bicycles.”

One of the most successful is Bikes for the World, which is shipping its 40,000th bike next month. Based in Arlington, Virginia, it's a nonprofit project of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association …

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RadioShack roster set with Armstrong, Leipheimer, Horner, Kloden

Ever since Lance Armstrong announced the formation of Team RadioShack in July, the confirmed identities of bike riders on the roster have dribbled out like sprinters struggling across the finish of a mountain stage.

Team manager Johan Bruyneel has now announced the final roster, identifying a 26-man team from 16 different countries. A large percentage of those bike riders came from Bruyneel's and Armstrong's former team, Astana.

The delay in making a final announcement stemmed from ongoing negotiations with the Kazakhstan-based team, currently the home of two-time Tour de France winner Alberto Contador.

Bruyneel said the team's main goal in 2010 is the Tour de France, although the team is expected to do well in other stage races as well as the one-day classics …

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These hill climbs won't let down bicycling mountain goats

When most people start bicycling, they'll do anything to avoid hills. Sometimes they'll ride miles out of their way to miss a climb, or drive their car to a flat area to ride.

As they get stronger and learn how to use their gears more efficiently, hills are a challenge to be conquered.

But for some, hills seem to be the sole motivation for riding a bike. These mountain goats don't just measure their rides in miles, but in total elevation gain.

They gather in places like Pittsburgh for the Dirty Dozen, Portland for De Ronde van Oeste Portlandia, or Los Angeles for the Fargo Street climb to find the conquer the highest urban mountaintops. Or they head to Mount Washington in New Hampshire to race to the top of that fabled climb ….

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