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Update: Vulnerable user bill passes first hurdle in Olympia

Update: Feb. 8 — Vulnerable user bill, SB 5838, approved by Judiciary Committee. Next stop is Senate Rules Committee then a vote on the Senate floor.

Cascade Bicycle Club blog

It's time that vulernable users of the road — such as people riding bikes or walking — get more protection from the law.

A measure that increases penalties for motorists whose right-of-way violations cause injury or death faces a major hurdle at the Washington State Capitol this coming week.

A distracted driver's inattention can cause crumpled fenders between cars, but lead to serious injury or death when the victim is on a bike or on foot.

Regardless of the outcome, in too many cases police can only issue minor traffic citations that often don't even require a court appearance.

The Cascade Bicycle Club is working to change that by getting the Vulnerable User Bill (SB 5838) passed into law. They're calling on Washington bicyclists to contact their legislators to ask them to support the bill …

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Update: Community helps after thieves hit Seattle's Bike Works shop

Update: Jan. 23 — Executive director Jake Beattie says response to the burglary at Seattle's Bike Works has been huge. The shop had its biggest volunteer work party last week, and a Mercer Island police officer has pulled together a collection of “evidence bikes” that area agencies had been storing.

The program also received enough donations to cover the cost of increasing security in its storage yard.

“Thanks to all of you who helped turn a negative situation into an expression of community and care,” Beattie said. ….

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Sanchez wins Stage 5; Greipel retains Tour Down Under lead

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Andre Greipel and his HTC-Columbia pro cycling team fended off an attempt to unseat him from the overall lead of the Tour Down Under on Saturday in Australia.

Spaniard Luis Leon Sanchez, at left, a member of the breakaway that threatened Greipel, won Stage 5 and climbed into 2nd place overall, 11 seconds behind the German.

To repeat his 2008 Tour Down Under championship, Greipel has to survive the 20-lap, 56-mile criterium around Adelaide. There are 25 cyclists who are less than a minute behind Greipel, although they'll have to break the strangehold by Team Columbia to win the Tour ..

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CRABS bike club

Christchurch Ramshackle Antique Bicycle Society

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Biking Bis Top 10 list of awesome names for bicycle clubs

Back in the day, I used to be dazzled by the cool names of bike clubs I'd come across on bicycle rides — “Yellowjackets,” “Flyers,” “Wheelmen,” “Team On Your Left.”

Nowadays, however, I'm more interested in going-out-for-the-ride then getting-there-fast. Therefore, the club names that catch my interest now carry a hint of determination rather than perspiration.

Here's a list of my Top 10 favorite names for bicycle clubs, in reverse order.

10. Road Soldiers Cycling Club: Ohio Veterans Home, Sandusky, Ohio.

Nothing says determination like soldiering out for a bike ride. Many of the members are residents of the Vets Home, and their rides are often held with the Scooter and Wheelchair Owner's Group. I salute you all.

9. Old Kranks Bicycle Club: Ventura, California

Don't even try to join this club unless you're over 50. They usually ride out of the Goebel Senior Center Commission and most rides are 4 to 19 miles. They're Kranks, not cranky, so it sounds like they have a lot of fun.

8. Easy Riders Bike Club: Seattle, Washington

Their own description: “We are a kinder, gentler bicycle club …

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Logo for Slow Spokes Club

Michigan bike club logo

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Logo for Go Out and Tour Somewhere Bike Club, Galena, Ohio

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Good grief! Greipel is 3 for 4 at Tour Down Under

With just two stages remaining, Andre Greipel won his third sprint in four days at the Tour Down Under on Friday.

The German sprinter for US-based HTC-Columbia has dominated the bike race that ends Sunday in Australia. He and his teammates must be planning ways to help him survive his slim 20-second overall lead to repeat his championship of 2008.

Meanwhile, Lance Armstrong, who was paid an undisclosed sum to return and race this year, made an appearance at the front of the peloton that was so unusual for this race that it was reported by the Associated Press.

Armstrong and RadioShack teammate Tomas Vaitus took a flyer with about 2 miles left in the race ..

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Drawing attention to global warming on winter bike tour

Bicyclists who launch a long-distance bike tour to draw attention to a cause usually do so in the spring to take advantage of the summer bicycling season.

Not Don Ross. The 66-year-old Alaskan took off from Fairbanks on his cross-country “Ride for the Planet” bike tour on Oct. 3.

He figures that he'll draw more recognition about the problems of global warming if he makes his ride in the winter.

Ross has made it south to Eugene, Oregon, so far.

Riding a Giant bicycle and pulling a loaded BOB trailer, Ross plans to continue to San Francisco before striking east to Washington DC by Earth Day…..

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Bike traveler Don Ross

Don Ross, a former Alaskan bush pilot, is bicycling from Alaska to Washington DC, through San Francisco, to call attention to the dangers of global warming. You can follow him at Ride for the Planet.

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