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2010 Amgen Tour of California

Amgen Tour of California map for 2010. Check website for stage-by-stage details.

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Katy bike trail protected as Missouri saves old railroad bridge

An 80-year-old railroad bridge that served as a missing link on the 225-mile Katy Trail across Missouri will be preserved for use by future pedestrians and bicycle travelers.

The bridge over the Missouri River at Boonville has been at the center of a debate for some 5 years. The owner of the 400-foot-long steel lift span, the Union Pacific, wanted to dismantle it and use it to build a bridge for trains crossing the Osage River.

Trail supporters — such as Save the Katy Bridge coalition, BikeMoFed, and the Rail to Trail Conservancy — said dismantling the bridge would not only remove an historic structure as part of the Katy Trail, but also threaten the “railbanked” status of the trail because of the broken segment.

Last Friday, however, Gov. Jay Nixon announced the state had brokered a deal for Union Pacific to give the bridge to the city of Boonville in return for Missouri allocating $23 million in federal stimulus funds to go toward building the new bridge over the Osage River …

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Boonville bridge

Old railroad bridge in Boonville on Missouri's Katy Trail is saved. Eventually will carry bicycles across the Missouri River.

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Sierra Cascades Bicycle Route maps available soon

The long wait for Sierra Cascades Bicycle Route is almost over. The Adventure Cycling Association says the full maps will be available in mid April.

An overview map is available online. It shows the general route of the 2,392-mile bike route that parallels the Pacific Crest on paved roads.

The bike route from the Canadian border at Sumas, Washington, to the Mexican border at Tecate, Mexico, is the newest of more than 38,000 miles of mapped bike routes offered by the non-profit.

The bicycle route will visit Northern Cascades National Park, Crater Lake National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Yosemite National Park ….

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2010 poster for Cruisin' the Conejo

Bike ride is May 8, 2010. Find more info at Cruisin' the Conejo website; see other California bike rides at Biking Bis.

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Register now for big bicycle tours in Colorado

Recreational bicyclists looking forward to getting their Rocky Mountain high this summer should be warned that registration for all four big Colorado bike tours are now open.

The oldest of the bunch, the Denver Post Ride the Rockies celebrating its 25th anniversary, announced its route this morning and began taking registrations. Registration ends Feb. 25.

Starting with Ride the Rockies from June 13 – 19, the other fully supported, mass participation bike tours are Bicycle Tour of Colorado from June 20 – 26, Colorado Rocky Mountain Bike Tour from Aug. 1 – 7, and the Colorado Peace Ride from Aug. 8 – 11.

You can find more week-long, mass participation bike tours in other states at Across State Bicycle Rides..

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Uneven support for U.S. Bicycle Route System

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Probably the single most important project for bicycle travel in the United States is the U.S. Bicycle Route System.

The proposed 50,000-mile national network links the lower 48 states with numbered corridors running north-south and east-west.

The Adventure Cycling Association and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials worked together to identify those 50-mile wide corridors nearly 2 years ago. But it's up to the individual states to work together to create the on-the-ground bike routes that meet up at state borders.

And that's the problem.

Some states are charging ahead to pick bicycle routes to implement the plan. Others are lagging far behind or show no interest at all……

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Letters to editor: Sexual orientation and the Biking Bis blog

With my email address displayed in the upper right column of every page of the Biking Bis website, I get frequent mail from readers.

Usually people offer compliments and suggestions or ask for coverage of their bike tours or websites. But lately, I've received a couple of emails regarding the sexual orientation of the Biking Bis blog.

Over the Christmas holidays, someone wrote:

“I'm um not sure how to say this… but your web site name: “Biking Bis” is confusing! I got several hits for this site before finally checking it out. It is excellent. I did not look at it earlier because I thought it was for Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals, hence the title.

How about changing it to “Biking Biz” or even “Bike Business”? There are more bikers than gay people in the world, so hopefully your readership should go up. :)” …..

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Montreal's BIXI wins bike-sharing contract in Minneapolis

Expect to see a lot of these bicycles on the streets of Minneapolis this coming summer.

The non-profit formed to bring public bike-sharing to the city chose Public Bike System, the developer of Montreal's BIXI, to provide bikes and kiosks to the project.

The bike-sharing project, Nice Ride Minnesota, is aiming to put 65 kiosks around downtown, college campuses and surrounding commerial areas by June. In all 80 kiosks and 1,000 bikes are projected in Phase 1.

Currently, there are about 160 bike-sharing systems in the world. The highest profile is the Paris Velib ….

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Proposed bicycle for Nice Ride Minnesota

Nice Ride Minnesota, a new non-profit created to bring public bike sharing to Minneapolis, today announced that it has chosen Public Bike System Company (PBSC), developer of the Montreal BIXI™ bike-share system, to supply bikes and kiosks to Minneapolis

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