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French judge issues warrant for Floyd Landis in hacking case;
Landis responds

Here we go again.

The head of France's anti-doping agency says that a French judge has issued an international arrest warrant for Floyd Landis in a computer hacking case at the Chatenay-Malabry laboratory.

That's the lab that found elevated levels of testosterone in Landis's samples during the 2006 Tour de France and eventually led to his two-year banishment from professional cycling.

Landis is not being accused of hacking into the computers at the lab, according to what I've read. The judge, Thomas Cassuto, does want to question Landis about how the allegedly hacked files ended up being used in his defense, though …

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Coming to a city near you this summer — Ciclovia

Every Sunday and holiday, some 70 miles of streets in Bogota, Colombia, are closed to motor vehicles, allowing bicycle riders, skaters and pedestrians to roam free.

That ciclovia-style celebration has been catching on in some U.S. cities, where a thoroughfare or city park is ruled car-free for one or more weekend days in the spring and summer.

Now, more U.S. cities are ready to join those that already make their streets more liveable for at least one day a year.

Planning its first ciclovia is Spokane, Washington. Among cities that have a history of ciclovia-style events are Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, New York City, San Jose, Kansas City and Chicago …

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Elephants — like dogs — also chase bicycles

When bicyclists are shooting the breeze about their bike touring exploits, each and every one will have a pretty good dog story.

Joe Kurmaskie won't stop there, though. He'll probably tell you about the time he was chased by an elephant.

Kurmaskie, aka The Metal Cowboy, is a Portland-based bike travel writer who recently posted a short video about being chased by an elephant while on a charity bike ride in Botswana.

The African elephant charged Kurmaskie and his companions briefly one afternoon….

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Mississippi bicyclists see 3-foot-passing law down the road

A law requiring motorists to give 3 feet when passing bicycle riders on Mississippi roads appears headed to passage.

Nearly identical House and Senate bills — entitled the John Paul Frerer Bicycle Safety Act — have passed their respective houses and are headed to the other chambers for action.

Currently, 14 states require a 3-foot gap for bicycle riders. They are Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin.

Five other states, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, South Dakota and Virginia …..

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3 feet

14 states require motorists give bicyclists 3 feet of space when passing.

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Update: City council approves 2030 Portland Bike Plan

If a far-reaching plan to enhance bicycling can be enacted anywhere, it's in Portland.

Although members of the City Council delayed the vote on the Portland Bicycle Plan for a week back on Feb. 4, they unanimously approved it on Thursday.

According to, Mayor Sam Adams will return next week with a proposal to inject $20 million into the bike plan to get some improvements on the ground right away.

The entire 20-year plan would cost an estimated $600 million to create 700 miles of bikeways and make other improvements to encourage commuters to choose bicycles instead of their cars.

See developing details at “Bike plan passes with unanimous support: — …

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Upstate New York is destination for foreign bike tour

Anytime I hear about foreign destinations for bicycle tours, I think of France, Italy, even Canada. But that's all a matter of perspective.

Now a Quebec-based non-profit bicycling association is sending its 2010 Grand Tour south into upstate New York for the first time. 

The 2,000 cyclists on the bike tour are expected to pump $1.5 million into the area during the seven-day ride. It's just another reminder that recreatoinal bicycling is a big business that can contribute to the economic health (see “Recreational bicycling has big economic impact in Wisconsin”)

Vélo Québec Événements is producing the bike tour

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Velo Quebec

logo. Website…

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Bicycles in the snow

Snowmaggedon. Snopocalypse. No matter what they call it, snowstorms don't stop bicyclists from hitting the roads.

Here are some random images from the group “Bicycles in the Snow” at Some of the photos might be from the recent snowstorms that have crushed the Mid-Atlantic states the past few days, but most are from other times and places.

The photos remind us that bikes are always there in spite of the weather. They tell the story of how we use bicycles to commute to work and run errands through the slush, or just ride them to play in the snow.

The saddest tales are told by those bikes caught in the snow, left to rust under a snowbank or be mangled by a passing snowplow.

Click on the image to see a larger version or visit the group to see all 900-some photos. You also can submit your bike-in-the-snow picture there.

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2010 Tour of California bike race routes announced all week

Somehow the Giro d'Italia, Tour de France, and Vuelta d' Espana each are able to reveal the routes for their three-week-long, 2,000-plus mile bike races in a single grand event.

Not the 2010 Amgen Tour of California. Celebrating its fifth year — and rolling out for its first time in May (May 16 through 23) — the tour organizers are releasing route details two stages per day through Friday.

Moving the race from February to May gives bike race organizers the opportunity for improved weather and a more challenging course that includes a mountain-top finish in the Sierra Nevada at Big Bear Lake. You'll just have a wait two more days to learn the exact route the cyclists will take.

Videos and detailed route maps were posted on Tuesday for Stage 1…..

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