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Winning photo

The Adventure Cycling Association announced the winner of its first-ever Adventure Cycling Photo Contest. It was a photo of a bicyclist, equipped with panniers, bicycling through the mountains of Tenerife on the Canary Islands by Marco Meijerink, a Dutch photographer and cyclist.

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When a bike ride becomes music; 'Eine Brise' in Los Angeles

It might look and sound like it in the dark, but this isn't a video of the latest Critical Mass ride by bicyclists.

It's the Monday night performance of a musical composition outside Zipper Hall at the Colburn School of Performing Arts in Los Angeles.

The composition is “Eine Brise: Transient Action by 111 Cyclists” by the late Argentine composer Mauricio Kagel. It's a legit piece of music.

Translated as “A Breeze,” the composition calls for the 111 bicycle riders to ride in an evenly spaced, choreographed 500-foot-long paceline between 1 to 3 cyclists across. At specific times they ring their bells, whistle, sing a high note, make a flutter-tongue sound and close with a whoosh. …..

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Video for Bicycles for Humanity

Together we can make it. at

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Giving your old bicycle a new life

Bicycles can make a difference to women who need transportation in far-flung rural towns in Africa.

That's why a nonprofit of professional women is making Bicycles for Humanity (B4H) Colorado the beneficiary of its fund-raising efforts this year.

Boulder, Colorado-based BoldeReach supports organizations that aid women and children in need around the world. B4H meets this mission for women by providing bicycles for transportation and employment in its community-based bike shops in Namibia.

Says B4H Colorado president Joshua Price:

“For people living on $2 per day ….

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Bicycle quote: “Bicycles are not transportation”

Fairfax County (VA) Supervisor John Cook:

“I don't believe a bicycle is a transportation device. I think it's a recreation device. The big problem is people don't want to ride their bike in the rain or get sweaty before work.”

— As reported in the Washington Examiner and repeated at Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling (FABB) and DCStreetsblog.

Like FABB said, Supervisor Cook needs to get out more. I think he's just speaking from his insulated, personal experience ….

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Bike ride info

Bike ride info offered at Biking Bis

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Bicyclists face uphill battle for legal protections

The drive to make bicycling safer hit severe roadblocks in three state legislatures last week.

The bad week started in Virginia where a bill to require cars to give bicycles 3 feet of clearance failed on Monday in the House of Delegates by a 54-43 vote.

Then on Tuesday, Washington's state's “vulnerable user” bill died when it failed to meet a Senate deadline for transfer to the House. On Thursday, the South Dakota Senate rejected a 3-foot passing law by a 10-24 vote.

It makes us wonder what bicyclists have to do to protect our safety out on the road. Keep demanding changes in the laws, I suppose ….

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3 feet decal

Three Feet Please offers decals, t-shirts, jerseys, bumper stickers.

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Seattle getting all tweedy for Sunday bicycle ride

Some nattily attired bicyclists are planning to take to the streets on Sunday for Seattle's first “tweed bike ride” and they're inviting anyone to join in.

Dapper attire, preferably tweed, is highly encouraged. In fact, the invitation states that lycra is forbidden — “We're trying to be British.”

If you're wondering what to wear, check out the gentleman at left from a recent San Francisco bike ride shot by juicyrai at or other images from the SF Tweed pool.

Attendees are invited to gather at the Cal Anderson Fountain at noon on Sunday for tea, followed by a mellow group ride …

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Tweed cyclists at White House

Tweed-clad cyclists gather for a slow ride in Washington DC last fall. From Cycle Jerk.

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