Author's posts

When is it time for a new bicycle? Not now for me

A tell-tale thumping sound from my bicycle's front wheel whenever I came to a stop this weekend was a clear warning that my front rim was about to come apart.

A similar thumping from my rear wheel last spring preceded the rim peeling apart. Years of road-grit grinding whenever I braked had taken its final toll.

As soon as that happened last year, visions of a new road bike danced in my head. I had the perfect justification — my bicycle was falling apart.

After I calmed down and took stock, however, I soon realized that I didn't need a new bicycle; a new rear wheel at a fraction of the cost would be just fine. …

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Chalking up another birthday bicycle ride

My 3-year tradition of marking my birthday with a “years-equals-miles” bicycle ride is in the books.

Actually, it's recorded on, where I jumped from 1,423rd to 605th in a single day. That could be my high-water mark for the year.

Unlike previous years, this time I couldn't get out of my head the thought that I should have started this silliness years ago, when the distance would have been a lot shorter.

With pleasant weather promised on Sunday, I headed over to Issaquah from Bellevue, then south to Black Diamond and home via Renton for 62.8 miles.

My destination was the Green River Gorge Bridge, above, a 150-foot-high span over a raging river that drains the Cascades. Whenever I visit the single-lane bridge built in 1915 …

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Registration opens this week for most Cascade bike rides

It's time for Cascade Bicycle Club members to line up to register online for the club's most popular bicycle rides on Tuesday and Wednesday.

In order to prevent a repeat of last year's server meltdown of monumental proportions, the club is staggering the dates for registration this year and instituting a lottery system for the RSVP and RSVP2 (Ride from Seattle to Vancouver and Party).

Here's the rundown:

On Tuesday, members-only registration opens for Chilly Hilly, Flying Wheels, STP and Ride Around Washington …

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Noncompliance with safety standards sparks helmet recall

I doubt if any of this blog's readers use these Little Tricky helmets, but their children might.

The US Consumer Protection Safety Commission recommends that kids stop using them immediately because product testing demonstrated that they do not meet CPSC standards for impact resistance.

No injuries have been reported, but Triple Eight Distribution is recalling the 30,400 youth helmets because …

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Little Tricky helmet

30,400 helmets recalled.

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Pelotonia: New destination for cancer charity bike ride in Ohio

The fast-growing Pelotonia charity bike ride in Ohio is rolling out from Columbus to a new destination in 2012 — Kenyon College in the small town of Gambier.

The organizers of the bicycle ride explained the new destination would encourage more people to make the ride, which drew nearly 5,000 bicyclists in 2011.

Now in its fourth year, the Pelotonia previously set out for Athens in hilly southeastern Ohio. …

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Another attempt at 3-foot passing law in California

When learning to ride a bicycle, my pappy told me to get right back on the bike after I'd fallen off.

In a way, that's what the California Bicycle Coalition is doing to keep alive the fight for the 3-foot passing law. But instead of falling off the bike, supporters of the bicycle safety measure keep getting pushed off.

After lawmakers rejected the proposal for several years, they finally passed the law — Senate Bill 910 — last fall, only to have Gov. Jerry Brown veto it.

Now, the bike coalition is going back.

In a recent newsletter, the CalBike said they'll reintroduce the measure …

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Poster for California's 3-foot campaign

Give cyclists 3 feet to pass.

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3,000 carbon road bike pedals recalled

A style of carbon road-bike pedal imported by Performance is the subject of a recall.

The company and the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued the recall for nearly 3,000 Forte Pro Carbon Road Bike Pedals.

Performance says it received three reports of the pedal body cracking or breaking, although no one was injured.

The pedal body is black and it made of carbon injected thermoplastic. The axle …

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Pedal recall

Forte Pro Carbon Road Pedals.

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