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Chilly weather doesn't stop naked painted bicyclists

Scores of painted bicyclists made the ultimate sacrifice for their art on Saturday when they bared their skin for the brush and spray-can at the Fremont Solstice Parade.

Although the parade celebrates the coming of summer, the temperatures hovered in the upper 50s and a windy drizzle swept off the Puget Sound.

In such conditions, even two coats of body paint won't keep a person warm.

More than a hundred cyclists participated in the parade this year, in spite of the chilly weather. The painted cyclists have been a fixture at the parade hosted by the Fremont Arts Council …..

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Robic bikes coast-to-coast in 9 days

Slovenia's Jure Robic rolled across the finish line of the Race Across America on Friday afternoon, winning an unprecedented 5th solo title in a span of just seven years.

The 45-year-old completed the 3,005-mile RAAM route from Oceanside, California, to Annapolis, Maryland, in 9 days, 1 hour and 1 minute. That's an average of 13.85 mph for the entire trip, including stops.

He was among 24 men who set out in the solo men's divisions at noon a week ago Wednesday. Ten have abandoned …

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2010 STP is sold out; special late registration on Tuesday, June 22

Update: June 17, 2010 — The days of waiting until the last minute to sign up for Cascade Bicycle Club events — such as the 2010 Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic — are over.

STP sold out in April, 3 months before the July 17-18 bike ride. The club caps registrations at 10,000.

The Cascade blog reports it will reopen a brief late registration beginning at 9 a.m. June 22. Because of the interest in riding and the number of registrations available, Cascade expects the late registrations will sell out within minutes. Repeat, minutes.

Here are the instructions offered by Cascade for the best opportunity to acquire one of these last-chance registrations ….

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RAAM cyclist struck by car; Robic blazes on

A bicyclist riding for a four-man Spanish relay team at the Race Across America is recovering on Thursday after being struck by a vehicle on a Kansas road.

News reports say the driver was distracted by something in the car about 6:45 a.m. Wednesday and drifted onto the shoulder where Spain's Diego Bellesteros was riding his bicycle.

The collision happened on U.S. 254 near El Dorado. Ballesteros was airlifted to Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Kansas, where his condition was upgraded to serious condition late Wednesday.

Ballesteros is somewhat of a bicycle ambassador ….

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Diego Ballesteros

Spanish cyclist injured after struck by car on Race Across America.

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Eben Weiss

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Painted cyclists, Bike Snob and Livestrong in Seattle this weekend

Naked bicycle riders, bike snob devotees and the Livestrong Army converge on Seattle this weekend for bike parades, book signings and a massive anti-cancer charity bike ride.

Partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the low 60s or 70s Temperatures in the low 60s with a high chance of precipitation will greet bicyclists this weekend. The warmish forecast must be appreciated by the Painted Cyclists at the Fremont Solstice Parade on Saturday.

The cyclists covered in paint — and little else — are a long-standing highlight of the parade sponsored by the Fremont Arts Council. Although most people attending the parade expect to see cyclists enjoying a ride without clothing, organizers caution the cyclists to show a little discretion …

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Hold your line, Cav!

Some riders held up the start of Wednesday's Stage 5 of the Tour de Suisse to protest Mark Cavendish's erratic cycling at the finish of Stage 4 on Tuesday that led to this crash.

The British sprinter for the US-based HTC-Columbia team has been docked 25 points in the sprinter competition and 30 seconds in the General Classification and been fined 200 Swiss francs.

The crash forced earlier Tour de Suisse leader Heinrich Haussler of Cervelo out of the race, as well as Frenchman Arnaud Coyot.

Cavendish is reportedly riding with a serious case of road rash on Wednesday. Teammate Mark Renshaw snapped this photo of Cavendish all bandaged up …

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Tour Divide mountain bike race rolling along; how to follow the race

As the Race Across America cyclists charge eastward with their teammates or support crews or both, there's an equally amazing corps of cyclists heading down the spine of the Continental Divide individually and with no support whatsoever.

The Tour Divide got underway from Banff, Alberta, with 48 mountain bike riders on Friday (video at left). They're heading along the spine of the Rocky Mountains to Antelope Wells, New Mexico, on gravel roads and dirt paths for a distance of 2,745 miles.

You could draw comparisons between the two races all day long. For instance:

— They're both ultra-endurance events whose winners measure success by hours spent not sleeping.

— Both aim for the lightest rides possible. Weight issues stop with the frame and components for RAAM cyclists; Tour Divide bicyclists must factor in tools, food and cooking equipment, sleeping bags …

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Quote: Bike traveler comes home

“A lot of people ask me why I went east to west because the winds are predominantly west to east, and part of the reason was I that I like the idea of heading home. It's just kind of a goal that you aspire to get to, so that means a lot to me from a psychological standpoint, especially at times when you're feeling a little low.”

–Cross-county bicycle traveler Mike Dillon, quoted at, June 14, 2010.

You might remember that I wrote a short piece in March about Dillon, the former general counsel for Sun Microsystems …

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