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Precious – the bicycle that posts Tweets as it travels cross-country

I can ride my bike with no handlebars, but I can't  write and send a Twitter message while I pedal along.

But Janeen McCrae can.

That's because McCrae rides Precious, a bicycle that's been outfitted with sensors and electronics that enable it to send out Tweets with the push of a button. Actually, McCrae and Precious collaborate on the Twitter messages.

McCrae is riding Precious from coast-to-coast on Adventure Cycling's TransAmerica Bicycle Route to raise money for the Livestrong Foundation ….

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Leapin' Levi! Leipheimer wins 'torturous' Leadville 100

Leave it to the guy who's never competed on a mountain bike before to win one of the premier off-road bike races in the U.S.

Levi Leipheimer won the Leadville 100 mountain bike race on Saturday, setting a new course record in the process. His RadioShack teammate and defending champion, Lance Armstrong, didn't race due to injuries sufferd in the Tour de France.

Listening to his comments after the race, it sounds like the 36-year-old left it all out on the 100-mile Rocky Mountain route that ranges between 9,000 and 13,000 feet.

“Twenty miles to go, I didn't care if I was an hour behind or a half an hour ahead, I just wanted to get it done …. It was just torturous. …..

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Levi Leipheimer

Team Radio Shack

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Helping others to enjoy bicycle touring

A cyclist from the U.K. is riding across the U.S. on a bicycle with three goals in mind: To travel. To share. To inspire.

But Dominic Gill isn't making the journey alone. He's riding from the rear seat of a tandem bicycle that's outfitted so the captain sits in back and the stoker rides and pedals out front.

Gill's passengers are all people whose physical impairments would make it impossible for them to make the trip on their own.

Keith Rogers at the Las Vegas Review Journal writes about one of those passengers, Carlos Terrazas, 22, who has been blind since birth…..

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Bicycle conspiracy-theory candidate wins in Colorado

Apparently enough Republican voters in Colorado believed in Dan Maes's conspiracy theory regarding bicycling and the U.N. to support his run for governor.

The businessman told an audience last week about his fear that support of pro-bicycling projects, like the Denver B-cycle bike share program, were linked to a United Nations plot that would “threaten our personal freedoms.”

His bicycling comments were roundly ridiculed in the past week, yet he must have touched a nerve. Voters in the Republican primary gave Maes a 1.3% margin over opponent and former congressman Scott McInnis, according to last night's returns …..

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Dan Maes

Bicycle conspiracy theorist

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Levi, no Lance, at Leadville 100 on Saturday

Defending champion Lance Armstrong will not return to race the Leadville 100 on Saturday, but his RadioShack teammate Levi Leipheimer will be making his debut.

Also on hand for the mountain bike race will be David Wiens, the 46-year-old winner of six Leadville 100s from 2003 to 2008.

The Leadville is one of the most storied mountain bike races. The course is 100 miles long and all takes place above the 9,000-foot level on mostly dirt and gravel back-country roads in the vicinity of Leadville, Colorado. It was the subject of last year's documentary, Race Across the Sky (left).

While many enter the event (some 1,500 registered this year) ….

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Cedar River Trail closed two weeks in August

A portion of the Cedar River Trail just east of Renton will be closed for repairs Aug. 16 – Sept. 3 as work crews repair damage to the levee from last year's storms.

The section to be closed starts at 154 Place SE and extends to 175 Avenue SE. That's essentially from the undercrossing just east of Ron Regis Park to the Riverbend Mobile & RV Park.

King County says the trail will be closed 24 hours a day and there will be no flagged reroute during construction.

To bypass the trail, bicyclists ….

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Renton city limits sign

Bicycle relief sign posted on Cedar River Trail

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Bicycling support threatens personal freedoms says Colorado candidate

One of the Republican candidates for governor is expressing fear and loathing that pro-bicycling policies of his possible challenger in the fall elections is turning Denver into a stooge for the United Nations.

Dan Maes is quoted at length in the Denver Post saying essentially that Mayor John Hickenlooper's support of bicycle commuting — as seen in the Denver B-cycle bike-sharing program — could threaten personal freedoms.

Maes's comments were made at a campaign rally last week: 

“This is all very well-disguised, but it will be exposed … This is bigger than it looks like on the surface, and it could threaten our personal freedoms…. These aren't just warm and fuzzy ideas …

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