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Updating the 2011 Across State Bicycle Tours list

If the letters BRAG, RAGBRAI, GOBA, TRIRI and SAGBRAW are dancing in front of your eyes, either you're eating alphabet soup or you've been checking the 2011 line-up of Across State Tour Bicycle Tours.

For the past few days, I've been updating this website's list of these multi-day, mass bicycle rides offered mostly by nonprofits. Many of your favorites have posted dates for 2011, although most are still working on the actual overnight stops.

The organization offering the most bicycle tours is, not surprisingly, the Adventure Cycling Association. They're presenting 45 multi-day bicycle tours in 2011; most are a week to 10 days long, although ….

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Bike tour campsite

Ride Around Washington bike tour campsite, Newhalem.

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US bike route sign

US Bicycle Route sign approved in  Traffic Control for Bicycle Facilities in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

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27 states making progress on U.S. Bicycle Route System

Two years ago this month, state and federal transportation officials endorsed a plan to create a 50,000-mile nationwide system of connected bicycles routes.

Today, 27 states and the District of Columbia are working toward implementing numbered bicycle routes that will connect to routes in other states.

Ideally, traveling cyclists will be able to ride from one city to another on the US Bicycle Route System by following a uniformly posted route system that crosses state lines.

Although not all states appear to be on board with the project, enough are involved to create tangible results with some interstate bicycle routes

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Importer recalls 500 sets of carbon bicycle brakes

A Petaluma, California-based importer of bicycle components recalled 500 sets of Revl brand carbon bicycle brakes because they can break.

The recall, requested by The Hive, is being conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The company asks that anyone riding a bike with these brakes should stop using the bicycle, and contact The Hive for free replacement …

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Revl brakes recall

The Hive recalls Revl brand carbon bicycle brakes. More at US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

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Cyclist killed on cross-country charity ride for oil spill victims

Cross-country cyclist Roger Grooters will be honored by a silent memorial bicycle ride in Pensacola Beach, Florida, on Sunday.

The 66-year-old cyclist was struck and killed last week near Panama City, about 300 miles from finishing a bike tour across the southern tier to raise money for victims of the BP oil spill.

He set off by bicycle from Oceanside, California, on Sept 10, followed by his wife, Vicki, in a car. She was behind him on Oct. 6 along Florida State Road 20, west of State Road 77 near Crystal Lake, when a motorist in a pickup truck struck him.

According to reports, the pickup drove onto the shoulder ….

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Roger Grooters begins bike tour

Roger Grooters digs his rear tire in the Pacific Ocean to mark the start of his cross-country trip to raise money for victims of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Bicycle tour to major league ballparks makes for 10,000-mile season

Thousands of baseball fans filed out of their home ballparks on Oct. 3 as the regular major league season drew to a close. They had memories of double plays, home runs, exciting victories and discouraging defeats for their teams over the past 6 months.

One of them, Romano Scaturro, remembered something more.

As he left Seattle's Safeco Field for the last game of the year, he could recall the 10,000 miles of road he traveled by bicycle to visit every major league ballpark in the US for a home game this season.

The 47-year-old restaurateur (shown above with his son from an earlier bike tour) from Cornville, Arizona, made the self-contained bike tour to raise money for future college tuitions for two orphans.

He formed the non-profit charity — Family Ride Across America to Nurture Kids (FRAANK) — with the goal of raising $1 for every mile …..

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Romano Scaturro

With son on earlier cross-country bike tour

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