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Painted bicycles mystify Muskegon

A number of freelance pieces of art have been appearing around downtown Muskegon, Michigan, lately — brightly painted bicycles chained to lampposts, bicycle racks and chainlink fences.

So far eight bicycles have been set up around town since mid-October. Sometimes they're moved from one location to another in the dead of the night. One, a pink bicycle that carried a breast cancer awareness message, was repainted yellow.

The only thing they have in common, besides being bicycles, is that each has a picture of an old-fashioned drill bit stenciled below the handlebars. If there's a theme to the spray-painted bicycles, no one has figured it out yet ….

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Quizno's Pro Challenge

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2011 Quizno's Pro Challenge bike race host cities and stages

Organizers of the newest pro cycling stage race in the US, the Quizno's Pro Challenge, announced the 11 host cities for the inaugural race in 2011.

The 600-mile road race, hatched by a group that included Gov. Bill Ritter and Lance Armstrong, rolls out Aug. 22 – 28.

Unveiled at a press conference in Denver on Thursday, the list of cities sounds more like a vacation schedule for a group of ski bums hitting the slopes in the mountainous state ….

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10 ways that bicycle travel industry is booming

The use of bicycles for transportation and recreation is clearly on the upswing. Now the Adventure Cycling Association says that bicycles are a growing part of the travel industry as well.

The Missoula, Montana-based nonprofit that produces bike travel maps, organizes supported and self-contained bicycle tours and advocates for bicycle travel had a record year in 2010. One of its big gains was a 16% increase in the number of cyclists joining one of its many bicycle tours.

In reporting the 15% overall growth in revenue for Adventure Cycling, Executive Director Jim Sayer said:

” … it's also a sign that in difficult times, people turn to the things they love, like bicycling and travel by bike.” …

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Bicycle advocates shift to defense with election results

It's too soon to know for sure how the results from the mid-term elections will affect funding for bicycle programs, but most are doubtful that the news is good.

With Republicans taking over the House of Representatives by a 254 to 177 margin, that means any funding for alternative transportation — including bicycle projects — faces an uphill battle against a party that's interested in cutting the federal budget.

The tenor of the battle may have been set earlier this year by Republican Senators Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and John McCain of Arizona, both re-elected Tuesday. In a stimulus oversight report, they described money spent on two bicycle projects as “wasted, mismanaged, or directed toward silly and shortsighted projects.”

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French still want Floyd Landis to stand trial

There's no way that cyclist Floyd Landis or his coach Arnie Barker will stand trial in France on charges of obtaining data hacked from computers at a doping control lab in France, according to Landis' current team manager.

Wayne Hudson, manager of the Orca Velo Merino cycling team, said Landis was not losing any sleep over the news. The cyclist is currently racing in the week-long Tour of Southland in New Zealand where he's in 4th place overall.

A warrant against Baker and Landis was originally issued earlier in connection with a wide-ranging hacking probe in France. The two allegedly obtained evidence purloined from the Chatenay-Malabry lab ….

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Leadville 100 mountain bike race documentary in 500 theaters this week

Here's a last-minute reminder for those who want to catch the upcoming documentary about last August's Leadville 100 mountain bike race.

The “Race Across the Sky 2010” appears in theaters across the US on Thursday, Nov. 4, following a live broadcast panel discussion by participants Levi Leipheimer, Dave Wiens and Rebecca Rusch.

A taped encore presentation is scheduled at many of those same theaters on Tuesday, Nov. 9.

The Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race has rolled every year since 1994 ….

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Long Beach police ticket cyclists; confiscate bicycles

How often do police confiscate a vehicle when the operator runs a stop sign? Probably never, unless the driver also is charged with drunken driving.

But that didn't stop Long Beach police from confiscating about 40 bicycles and ticketing many of the 100 cyclists in a Critical Mass rally Friday evening.

One of the promoters of Critical Mass ride told the Press-Telegram that they were met by a phalanx of police about five minutes into the ride. “We thought they were facilitating us ..

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Routes unveiled for Ride Around Washington and Tour de Kota bicycle tours

Although summer seems like a long way off, across-state bike tour organizers are updating their routes for next year's events.

In the past week, Cascades Bicycle Club's Ride Around Washington (RAW) and the Argus-Leader's Tour de Kota announced their 2011 mass-participation bike rides. Each one is in excess of 400 miles.

The Cascade Bicycle Club's Ride Around Washington (RAW) bike tour returns to the Cranberries to Apples themed route ….

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Ride Around Washington

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